America was founded on, among other things, two principles which apply to the points of your post - that all are created equal (equal treatment under the law), and the presumption of innocence until guilt be proven. If we allow exceptions to these principles today, whatever the impetus, we will have blown down the walls which protect ourselves from tomorrow's tyrant.
How much more do you think klinton would have been able to achieve, had there not been the spectre of 80 million+ gun-owners still haunting his imaginations? How much longer do you really believe this deterrent shall exist?
Do you not find it strange that the 'Patriot Act' (god, how that name galls me) appeared, fully manifested, so quickly after 9/11? Does it not make you uncomfortable that our gov't., despite the rhetoric of either party, continues to bend over backward to help implement the U.N.'s agenda of controlling/eliminating so-called 'small arms' (basically any tool which could be used by the masses to defy subjugation)?
The best Islamic scholars are working right now to find some verse or teachings that allows Islam to be compatiable with pulralism, democracy and relating to how Muslims can do business with infidels and their institutions and they cannot come up with anything. These people need to go back to their homelands if they want to live under Islamic principles. We have finally ran into something that is far too diverse to tolerate in safety.