My problem with all that appearance/disappearance stuff is IT JUST DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENCE!!!!
Why can't Mary or Jesus for that matter appear in the sky, say above New York and talk to the multitude in English, and in the same time, he or she can appear in sky above,say Moscow and talk to the people in Russian, and in the same exact time appears at Peking, and talk in Chinese???
Even in today technology, that appears to be very possible, but certainly it can bring people to appreciate the Lord's presence. I am sure, he knows better ways to show himself in an unenbigous way. But he does not seem to be interested. A couple of thousands years ago, he showed up briefly, and now all these generations got nothing but blind faith in some historical story?
Jesus never appeared to me on TV or as a figure in the sky but I gave my life to Him. His Way is working just great. He IS interested
"A couple of thousands years ago, he showed up briefly, and now all these generations got nothing but blind faith in some historical story?"
He showed up long enough for me.
Very Orwellian. Do you perhaps mean, "unambiguous" - not a word, according to Webster's. Ambiguous - "not clear"; unambiguous - clear?