As far as I know , there are three strata of source material for genesis; J, E, and P. J consistently refers to the creator's personal name Yahweh. It is translated in english as Lord, but that is incorrect. The name Yahweh does not carry the meaning lord. This is a later addition. The J source is the oldest. The Elohist source I believe is next, and has its origins in the northern kingdom. Elohim is used in place of Yahweh, and there are various theories as to why this is. P, I believe is the most recent of the three sources. It is believed that all three derive from a common sourceof which we have no specimens. That would make J the closest to the inspired scriptures as pertains to Genesis.
May the name of Yahweh be praised forever
43 posted on 12/6/01 9:18 AM Mountain by Emmanual_Goldstein16
My L-rd, Y'shua HaMashiach must never have heard of the documentary hypothesis
as He stated that Moses wrote the Torah.
Tehillim (Psalm) 119:105 Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Goldstien wasn't denying Mosaic authorship, just that the J source is the oldest specimen we know of and that the use of elohim instead of Yahweh to identify the creator came later as texts were redacted. I certainly believe Moses wrote the Torah which is the common source.
Praise Yahweh the Everlasting Father, and His Son Yahshua