Their eyeballs should be popped from their sockets, and they should be forced to eat them. lay them in abed of hot coals, set their feet and hands on fire till they are scorched to the bone, and then let the mothers of these children have them to do whatever they wanted with them
It's nice that you and the rest of the posters are angered by this, and want the perps to be [unished. The truth of the matter; however , is that they will NOT be killed, and I doubt that they'll get much of a jail sentence. Oh, and BTW, because of the extremely LAX policing, many prisioners just walk out of jail, and aren't even looked for.
The South African blacks, have been told, by the COMMUNIST ANC, President Mbeki, and also during Mandela's tenure, that " The whitemans' medicine will NOT cure AIDS." The powers that be, will NOT permit FREE , American medicines to be brought into South Africa !
The blacks may now have the vote, but their lives WERE better under Apartheid ; which was on its way out, when the Western LIBERALS and the UN interferred.
Hust an FYI ... the MAJORITY of crimes ( ALL types of crimes ) are not only NOT reported, in S.A., but very few people are jailed because of committing a crime, now. It was NOT always like that !