We're watching the beginning of the Fourth Reich and many people here just think it's dandy.
I don't - they can watch you and Alamo-Girl. It'll make you feel all warm and squishy, and safe (ewwwwww, the magic word - "SAFE" - just rolls off you tongue, like "Seig Heil")
Government never gives back what it takes - NEVER. Anyone who thinks so is delusional.
Right. That's why we still have the draft, WWII price controls, WWII censorship, WWII rationing, WWII civil defense regulations (blacked out windows near coasts, beaches patrolled by armed soldiers, etc.) and WWII 'excess profits' taxes on corporations.
( / sarcasm)
Suggestion: if you can't grow up limit yourself to sites without people old enough to remember when this country won its wars ... bigtime.