--and Look where it "got him!!"
Unless a "citizen" is actively & knowingly harming others by his/her actions, our society has NO business "treading on their lives!"
BTW, the VAST majority of the "second-hand Smoke research" is "Scientific CRAP!" The "Statistical Criteria" were "Agenda-Driven!"
Nearly ALL of us have relatives who lived well past 80 years despite STRONG smoking histories!
Yes, smoking may be "Bad for You," but so is eating Lettuce!
The "Agenda" of the "Anti-Smoking Nazi's" is NOT based on clear "Scientific Data,"--it is a POLITICAL AGENDA, & its motives should be HIGHLY SUSPECT!
Let's not forget the French woman who was the oldest in the world-- died at a young 120 yrs old- smoked all of her life- drank red wine.....BUT the pc crowd will think up an excuse to try to ignore statistics.