Did I mention that the article was written years after the "end of the Cold War"? Take it easy--TTS
Was pretty amazing, no?, the way communism's epicenter transformed nearly overnight with little more than some shelling of the "White House" (Yelstin posing on a tank like Lenin in the Beautiful Square) and the "coup" against Gorbachev?
Gorbachev who knew so much about the future that the strategic collective had planned, that the no-for-profit entity established in the State of California under the name "Tamalpais Institute" was put in place ready for its name change to Gorbachev Foundation/USA a year later, on 10th April 1992 seemed to have special knowledge about the provocation planned for August 1991. For he himself predicted it, in the court of an answer at that Paris press conference:
[This remark telling for (1) its expression of residual Soviet anxiety over the West's ability to rightly perceive the convergence strategy and the "break with the past" as strategic deception; (2) prediction of the dramatic event; and (3) ] an affirmation of Moscow's success in altering the Western mentality so that it now openly accepted the Leninist view of the world ("putting international relations on new rails"). It is axiomatic that a train traveling along a railway line can proceed in one direction only the direction intended by the Leninist strategists, which is towards the abolition of nationstates and their incorporation into regional blocs en route to World Government [=dictatorship]. Gorbachev could have said "onto a new road" but chose instead to use the word "rails" from which, of course, a train cannot turn off to the right or the left. In other words, the world had only one option -- to proceed along the "railway line" laid down by the Soviet strategy collective, of convergence between East and West on the Soviets' terms. Furthermore, this deeply Leninist statement contained a veiled threat, given that the alternative to the "only option" would be for the train to reverse along the railway line back to the Cold War, with the implication that ay such course would have prospectively disastrous consequences for humanity. The West, led by people like the blinkered Mr. Hurd, fell for this blackmail, thereby fulfilling part of Dmitri Manuilski's, notorious prediction in 1938 that
Paraphrased and quoted from Soviet Analyst, Vo. 27, No. 5 |