Sleepy shady campsite...lovely FReepin' day...
Tanned legs spread out before me...sun-drenched body shined wet.
Lo...beauty from the Heavens...I revolved around her Sun. [MUD's Earth to Jewel's Sun]
Her warm scent I gasped, then I breathed...girrrrl's makin' me burn!!
Ooooohh...o'er and o'er, I told the girl..."Kids can dream!!"
Ooooohh...o'er and o'er, Jewel begged of MUD, "Love Meeeee, BOY!!"
But MUD's gotta better half...with whom MUD lays down...
GOODBYE...my FRagile flame!!
Girl, Lib'ralism's DEAD!!
Nation, washed with blood...LIES, the Lib'ral's Shame...
I'll take the watch tonite...Left's surrounded by TYRANTS and HATE!!
I still hear Slick's laughter...Bill LIES to hisself.
Ohhhh...all Left's twisted thoughts I sing...SlixMYbitch!!
I'm spinnin'...ohhhh, MUD's grinnin'...=^D
How quick the floor can...drop away-ay-ay-ay!!!!
God Bless my bitten land...must kick some Righteous A$$...
Fer what Left did to me!!
Ohhh...Left's B!+(# is bad...Medyuh watched and fled... IGNORED everything...
Ohhh...the Left's ALL BAD...turned MUD's world to Black...
SLAUGHTERED 'bout all I see...All that I am...All I'll Beeeeee...YEAH!!!!
Un hunh...un hunh...woo...
I know someday, Jewel'll make a beautiful wife...
I know she'll be MY Star...
But somebody else must Show Some Spine!! IT'S TIME!!
How can it be?! It Can't be...it Shan't be!!
Muuuuuuuuuuuuud...AH HA AHHH!! Oooh...ah yeah...YEAH!!
Doo dah doo doo doodie doo...
Doo dah doo doo doodie doo...
Doo dah doo doo doodie doo...
Doo dah doo doo doodie doo...
Doo dah doo doo doodie doo...
Mudboy Slim and the Centaurs (9/18/01)...one week A.W.T.C.
LOL, I love it!