In Richmond, VA at the Rennie's at Midlothian and Pinetta (just off the Powhite Parkway), I, Mudboy Jefferson Lincoln Slim III, just filled up my pickup with 87.9 cents/gallon gasoline!! And that's the God'sHonest TRUTH...when do you think we're gonna see Article One from Jeff Schapiro congratulating GeeDubyuh or GigoloJimGilmer fer their "Success in Defeating the Gas Price Crisis of '00?!"
If you said NEVER and also realize that that li'l twit PUNK Geoffrey Schapiro wouldda leaped at the chance to credit either the EX-Traitor-in-Chief or his new Horse-Faced KlintonButtboy in the Guvnah's Mansion, were it only possible...then, well, you oughtta be as PISSED OFF as me and will take the time to write a little note to the RTD!! Please copy/paste your comments to this thread if you feel the urge.
We're gonna cost Schapiro his friggin' job, folks!!!
Old Dominion FReegards...MUD
Thanks for the tip, Muddy.
I live westward of Pinetta, off of 60, & I usually get my fuel at Courthouse & 60 or Courthouse & Hall...they're both at around 94 9/10 now...and dropping.
By the way, I came here about 19 months ago & I must say that Ukrop's is the best grocery store I've ever set foot in.
Never did subscribe to the RTD though. Too many who deliver papers nowdays take absolutely no pride in the task.