The only one who expressed agreement with him on the maggot issue was Michael Rivero.
They're both banned now. But they were right.
Did you ever read a specific reason from anyone as to why Michael Rivero was banned. He put a lot quality work ito the OKC investigation.
DCI is a Republican . . . . . oops, forgot . . . appointed by Clinton
But the FBI Direcor is a Republican . . . . . . oops, forgot . . . . . . Clinton appointee too. Well, at least the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is a Republican . . . . . . oops, forgot.
Say, anybody know where John Negroponte, Lee Radek, Glen Fine or Norman Minetta are these days? Must be out to pasture, now that Billy Jeff is gone. How 'bout Joe Albaugh . . . . . you know, that guy who used to work for Jackson Stephens, Clintons biggest financial backer? What's ole Joe doin'?
Shore is comforting to see that "the adults are in charge," ain't it?
Both Rivero and A+Bert have been missing for a loooong time. I suspect something sinister is afoot.
Crap, I got an error trying to put A+Bert in the To: line.