To: constable tom
Will you be the judge of who is "eradicated" and who is not? Where will you draw the line between those who you believe deserve to die and those you will let live? You will never get them all, and the ones you miss will only hate you more. Then next time, 20,000 Americans will die, and again you will say, "Kill them all," and the next ones will hate you even more and so on and so on. But hey, as long as we make sure we kill more of theirs than they kill of ours, it will be alright, yeah?
113 posted on
10/31/2001 11:10:16 PM PST by
To: Slapper
"as long as we make sure we kill more of theirs than they kill of ours, it will be alright"
as long as we keep killing the terrorists and those who harbor and supply them.
terrorists are NOT to be defended on this thread or on Free Republic
To: Slapper
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