Confined to bed where? At home.
By who? By Physicians who routinely made house calls.
House call? What's that??????
If there is a smallpox attack, every single victime is going to be taken to a clinic or emergency room. And large numbers of people who are already sick or infirm -- and thus more vulnerable -- will inevitably be infected. Many more than would have been typical in those earlier days.
Aren't you glad our new way of doing medicine is so much more "efficient?"
Of course. And the most severe cases can be treated at a quarantine ward of a hospital.
If there is a smallpox attack, every single victime is going to be taken to a clinic or emergency room. And large numbers of people who are already sick or infirm -- and thus more vulnerable -- will inevitably be infected.
Please explain ow this would happen, since you are sick for 2 or 3 days BEFORE YOU ARE CONTAGIOUS?
You are trying to scare people. Fortunately, you aren't doing a very good job of it.