How about the thousands of "overvotes" that were likely created by Democrat operatives (as opportunity presented) pushing long, thin rods through the chads corresponding with the Gore votes, thereby leaving all Gore votes valid and making overvotes of Bush's and other candidates' ballots. The wildly disparate number of Florida overvotes was not due to voter stupidity. Apparently this has been a staple practice of dems in many elections. Their ends justify any and all means, even if those means corrupt our democratic institutions.
Is it any wonder that the dems, who were so loudly screaming about vote fraud, disenfranchisement of legal votes and "irregularities" they attributed to Republicans and promising exhaustive investigations to expose the same, fell deafeningly silent when the election and Gore's frivolous contests were finally concluded? Those leftist screamers knew exactly who such investigations would implicate.
If the media decided to post the results, with all the hoopla raised against them they in turn would lose all of their credibilty...ha! maybe we should call their bluff.