Go to: http://www.medicinegarden.com
Read about Homeopathic remedies for bios. That site is worth investigating. Keep an open mind, as a person of science.
I also have the website of a place in the U. K. that has over 3,000 remedies, including the ones mentioned at medicinegarden.com. to be used in case of bio attacks.
If you home school, good for you! I teach in a public elementary school, and I am highly concerned that our children, youth, college-aged students will be under attack.
Also Hahnemann Pharmacy in Albany, CA has a home kit of remedies for about $120.00.
God bless!
My conclusions of this extensive investigation, from a Christian Physician's perspective, were summarized in this editorial I wrote, published in a national Catholic weekly newspaper.
Please read it with an open mind, and most importantly, an open heart.