I got my smallpox vaccine in the early sixties. It's a brownish spot on my shoulder about the size of a dime, and has always been visible. This is pretty much universal with smallpox vaccinations, though the location may vary.
I received allergy shots for years,and never got a scar of any kind, let alone one this visible. You might want to double check your medical records. IMHO
You are correct. Good observation and good info.
Sabertooth - I'm replying to you because you said you've read much about the vaccinations. Do you remember reading anywhere that one has to have the vaccination scar? I was sure I was vaccinated (born 1961) but I cannot find a scar for it! Everything I have read seems to indicate the scar is "proof" of it... and it's starting to make me wonder if I really was vaccinated!
Thanks for any info you might have!