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To: TheOtherOne
Associated Press
A Palestinian gunman bends down behind a sidewalk curb as he aims a rifle after shooting at Israeli tanks positioned next to the Intercontinental Hotel in the West Bank town of Bethlehem Friday, Oct. 19, 2001. Israeli tanks and troops moved into Bethlehem and Beit Jalla in the West Bank early Friday after a Palestinian militia leader was killed in a bomb blast blamed on Israel, in a new upsurge in violence despite U.S. appeals for calm. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)

These people have no hope of ever winning a fight. Good grief, this is a case study on how not to chose your firing position. He is still relatively in the open, and I can't see how he could accurately hit anything from that position.

7 posted on 10/19/2001 9:22:39 AM PDT by patent
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To: patent
Yes. You have probably seen footage on TV showing how these poorly trained militiamen return fire. They are often shown barely looking in the direction they are firing, spraying the area, and then running for cover. It's no wonder that a number of innocent passersby get shot. This is no different than the drive-by shootings in our inner cities. The goal is to cause death and destruction, not to take out targets.

Of course, any time a Palestinian is shot Israel gets the blame, but there is no doubt in my mind that many Palestinians have been killed by 'friendly' fire fighting a war this way. From that picture, there is also no doubt as to why the death toll on the PA side is high. The death toll on the Israeli side is mostly comprised of the mass indescriminate killings (i.e. bombing pizza parlours, shopping malls and discos, and bombing or shooting at innocent passing cars).

In the higher order of things, a guy pointing a rifle at you pretty much deserves to get shot whether his side is more righteous or not... that is just the way things go in wars. But shoppers and pizza eaters don't deserve to be targeted. When innocent people get killed by happenstance, it is sad. When they are killed intentionally, it is an outrage.

15 posted on 10/19/2001 9:50:38 AM PDT by monkeyshine
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To: patent
Go here -

to see this man two seconds later...

WARNING: Graphic.

16 posted on 10/19/2001 10:51:47 AM PDT by MassExodus
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