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To: flamefront
Vince Foster

9/7/00 Freeper Rayelan "……. This article appeared in the August issue of The Media Bypass magazine and is reposted here with the permission of James R. Norman. Subscriptions of Media Bypass can be obtained by calling 1-800-4-BYPASS …….. Two weeks before his death on July 20, 1993, White House Deputy Counsel Vincent W. Foster went into a deep funk. The official cause of death, given by former Independent Counsel Robert Fiske Jr., was suicide drivenby depression over, among other things, several newspaper editorials. But Vince Foster had a much bigger and darker reason to be seriously burned out. He had just learned he was under investigation for espionage. ......... Outrageous? To say the least. But a lengthy investigation has located over a dozen sources with connections to the intelligence community who confirm a shocking story of money laundering and espionage connected to the highest levels of the White House. Without grants of immunity, the sources risk going to prison for violation of the National Security Act. Virtually all have demanded anonymity. ........., According to a veteran Central Intelligence Agency operative close to the Foster investigation, Foster's first indication of trouble came when he inquired about his coded bank account at Banca Della Svizzera Italiana in Chiasso, Switzerland and found the account empty. Foster was shocked to learn from the bank that someone using his secret authorization code had withdrawn all $2.73 million he had stashed there and had moved it to, of all places, the U.S. Treasury. ……. Then, according to credit card records reviewed by a private investigator who has revealed them, Foster canceled the two-day round-trip TWA and Swiss Air plane tickets to Geneva he had purchased on his American Express card through the White House travel office on July 1. ……..Discretely he began asking what was afoot, says the CIA source, confirming that someone in the White House tipped him off. It was bad news. The CIA had Foster under serious investigation for leaking high-security secrets to the State of Israel. ......"

Response from Michael Rivero "…… This story was floated back in 1993 when the suicide cover story began to collapse. The implication was that if Foster was murdered, he deserved it, and everyone should just (nudge nudge wink wink) accept the suicide lie because it was "National Security". ….. But there are several problems with the story. …… First and foremost is that Vince Foster did not commit suicide. He was murdered and the phony suicide staged to conceal the murder. The forensics on the gun alone prove that it was not the gun that was used to fire a shot into Foster's mouth, but simply planted as a prop. ......, Yet another problem is that the real Israeli spy in the White House, code named "Mega", was still being sought by the FBI long after Foster was dead and buried. The hunt for Mega was called off by Bill Clinton, supposedly because the Mossad had tapped Monica Lewinsky's phone at the Watergate and recorded some phone sex sessions. ……… Thirdly, there has never been any documentation that this mythical bank account ever existed, let alone was cleaned out without Foster's knowledge. To take another example, nobody has emptied Wen Ho Lee's bank account yet, nor were the bank accounts of the Walkers or Aldrich Ames tampered with. ……… Which brings us to the next point. Ames and the Walkers were a tremendous embarassment to the US Government. But they were not killed and dumped in a suburban park. They were sent to trial and an example made of them. ……. Fonally, this mythical fifth column never existed. That was a cover story placed on the very obvious and sudden resignation of career politicians, in one case with re-election posters already printed and on the alls, supposedly in response to blackmail information (FBI files data) delivered by an "angel of death". The online shills tried to sell the idea that this mythical "5th column" was taking it upon themselves to root out and destroy corrupt politicians, except that nobody in the Clinton White House, arguably the greatest collection of corruption to ever inhabit the place, ever received a visit from the angel. …….."

WorldNetDaily 9/13/00 Paul Sperry "…… Lending credence to complaints of a botched investigation, Former Special Counsel Robert Fiske never seized nor even tried to seize Vincent Foster's computer as evidence after the deputy White House counsel died unexpectedly in 1993, WorldNetDaily has learned. …… …… Only now are agents for the latest independent counsel, Robert Ray, trying to look at all the files, deleted and undeleted, on what appears to be Foster's hard drive. They're also trying to interview former White House officials who handled the drive, including Jim "Mack" MacDonald, the computer division chief whose story has gone untold -- until now. …… …. Not until Fiske's successor, Kenneth Starr, took over the investigation in August 1994 -- a year after Foster's death -- did authorities become interested in seizing Foster's computer, MacDonald says.. ….MacDonald, former director of the White House's Information Systems and Technology division, says FBI agents paid him a visit at his New Executive Office Building office in the summer of 1994. "It was embarrassing for them to ask (for Foster's computer)," he recalled. "I mean, they had no idea where this thing was." ……. An inventory check by MacDonald showed Foster's computer missing at the time. It was supposed to be in his old West Wing office. So agents went away empty-handed. ……. Several months later, MacDonald says he stumbled on the central-processing unit, or CPU, of Foster's computer while in a meeting in an office on the 2nd Floor of the Old Executive Office Building. He says he spotted it on the floor and asked, "Whose PC is that?" No one knew, he says, so he checked it out. "When I picked it up and looked at the serial number, I about fell over, because it was the Foster serial number we'd been looking for," MacDonald said. "I crossed Pennsylvania Avenue and carried it over to the Data Center on the 4th Floor in the NEOB." …… He says he wrapped it in plastic, affixed a label to it -- "FOSTER PC" -- and placed it in a tall, wheeled cabinet on the north wall near the VAX mainframes. He says he then locked the cabinet doors. ...... …….. A White House employee, however, has sworn that MacDonald was more than just nervous. ……. "After Vincent Foster died, I received a call from Jim MacDonald, who wanted me to meet him outside to go for a ride with him. During that ride, Mr. MacDonald informed me that he had found Vincent Foster's computer," said Howard "Chip" Sparks in a June 19 federal court affidavit. Sparks, a White House computer network specialist, worked for MacDonald. "In the wake of the mysterious circumstances surrounding Mr. Foster's death, Mr. MacDonald was extremely upset by his discovery," Sparks added. "And he told me that he was concerned that he would be killed because of what he had found." Asked about it, MacDonald downplayed Sparks' account, insisting: "I didn't think someone would shoot me." .........……."

WorldNetDaily 9/13/00 Paul Sperry "…… Here is Hall's version of what happened. …….. Shortly after finding Foster's CPU, Hall says MacDonald asked her to tap one of her technicians, Dorothy "Dottie" Crumling, to run a software program to break into some of Foster's password-protected files. The exercise worked. She says they were able to read one file that revealed Foster and his wife had plans for the night of July 20, 1993 -- the day he was found dead. ….. Later in 1994, Hall says MacDonald had a former White House computer contractor, Mike Saunders, remove the hard drive from Foster's CPU. MacDonald kept it in his office, she says. ……."It was on Mack's desk," she said. …… When MacDonald left the White House the next year, he gave the hard drive to Jurg Hochuli, who was the Office of Administration finance director, Hall says. "Jurg had it on a bookshelf behind his desk," she said. ...... Hall came into possession of the hard drive after she says MacDonald, who hired her, called her and asked her to pick it up from Hochuli, who transferred to the State Department. He now works there under former top Clinton aide Patsy Thomasson. ……. "Mack called me from California and told me to get it," Hall said. "I've often wondered why he did it." ……. Hall took the hard drive home. A few years ago, she says, Starr's investigators interviewed her about the White House phone records. Hall at one time was in charge of the PBX system there, too. And Foster's computer got brought up. Hall says she later agreed to give senior counsel Jay Apperson half of the hard drive (her husband split up the disks). She held back half of it for "insurance," saying she didn't trust Starr. Now Ray's office has the whole drive. And Hall has been subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury. ......She says she was granted immunity from prosecution for taking possession of the Foster hard drive in exchange for the evidence and her testimony. She demanded her husband also be granted immunity before she'd cooperate. Don Hall, a computer contractor, took the hard drive apart. ……. "

Accuracy in Media 7/13/00 Reed Irvine "……The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ordered a federal district court in California to examine in camera photographs of former White House Deputy Counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr. that were taken by the U.S. Park Police at the spot where his body was found on July 20, 1993. A three-judge panel ruled that the lower court had erred in dismissing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) suit filed by attorney Allan J. Favish against the Office of the Independent Counsel (OIC) for refusing to give Mr. Favish 10 color photos of Foster's body. ........., The OIC had argued that it was justified in refusing to grant Mr. Favish's request on the ground that release of the photos would constitute an invasion of the privacy of members of the Foster family because the photos are "graphic, explicit, and extremely upsetting." ……The appellate court said, "That description is not true of the photo already published in Time [magazine] and on television, showing a hand holding a gun. It may be true of the remaining nine photos. But no court has ever seen them....Balancing without a knowledge of what the photos show would be an exercise in the air. Accordingly, we return the case to the district court to examine the photos in camera and to balance the effect of their release on the privacy of the Foster family against the public benefit to be obtained by their release."........."

7/20/98 Michael Reagan "Around 1 p.m. on Tuesday, July 20, 1993, White House counsel Vincent Foster told Linda Tripp, "There are some M&Ms in the candy tray if you want them. I'll be back." Then he left the office. Five hours later, he was found dead in Fort Marcy Park, a gunshot wound in the back of his mouth. That was five years ago today. Despite a mountain of evidence that shows Foster didn't die in that park, Kenneth Starr closed the books on the case in August 1997. Even though the bullet was never found. Even though no motive was established. Even though the 27-piece "suicide note" that turned up days later was not a suicide note at all. Even though Foster's body was covered with fibers (as if it had been rolled up in a carpet). Even though there was no soil from the dusty footpath on his shoes. Investigators gave conflicting versions of almost every aspect of the evidence, including whether or not the bullet produced an exit wound, whether the wound was located in the head or neck, and even whether Foster was found on the ground or in his car. If Vince Foster pressed a .38 against the back of his mouth and pulled the trigger, there should have been burns and gunpowder deposits around the wound, as well as broken teeth and blood on the gun-barrel -- but there was none. The most intriguing evidence is this: Four different people searched Foster's pockets while the body was in the park, but couldn't find his car keys. There were no keys in Foster's Honda in the parking lot. Did the keys eventually turn up? Yes, they did. Where? At the morgue where Foster's body was taken. There, a check of his pockets -- which had already been found empty at the park -- revealed two sets of keys. Could four investigators have missed two sets of keys in Foster's pockets? ..two White House officials who were alone with Foster's body in the morgue shortly before the keys were found: (1) former Rose Law partner and Travelgate figure William Kennedy III, and (2) Craig Livingstone of Filegate fame..The night Foster died, a man named Jerry Luther Parks was watching TV in his Little Rock home when a news bulletin announced Foster's death. Parks turned pale. "I'm a dead man," he whispered…."

Washington Weekly 11/30/98 Marvin Lee ".The Secret Service says it has no logs or surveillance video showing the arrival or departure of Vince Foster to the White House on his last day of work, July 20, 1993.."

Vincent Foster was found with a .38 revolver made by Colt Arms, built from parts taken from two other guns, and having two serial numbers. There are contradictions between a blue/black gun and a silver colored gun separately identified, absence of Foster's fingerprints and blood, DNA inconclusive results and a lack of matching gunpowder and bullet fragment evidence.

LARRY NICHOLS: ".A lady came to me, scared to death, and wanted to come out and tell the truth. I said, "What's the matter?" She said, "They're shredding documents at the Rose Law firm." Well, I tried to tell the media. The media said there was no way that could be going on. Well, in came a journalist from a Washington newspaper. He goes over and investigates what I told him, and you know what? The very week he investigated, guess what they were doing? Shredding documents, right there at the Rose Law Firm. JEREMY HEDGES (Rose Law Firm paper shredder): They had his [Fosters] initials pretty much all over it, everything from the box to the manila files to -- I even saw his signature on one of the Rose Firm letterheads."

AP 7/15/95 "A burglar broke into the car of a White House lawyer preparing for Senate questioning in the Whitewater affair and stole copies of her handwritten notes about the handling of Vincent Foster's papers."

Chattanooga Free Press 7/14/95 Freeper Wallaby ".The car of an aide to President Clinton's chief counsel was burglarized this week and several "sensitive documents" were stolen, White House officials said late Thursday. ... The car belongs to Cheryl D. Mills, a special assistant to White House counsel Abner Mikva.."...."

Lisa Foster, widow of suicide victim Vince Foster, recently found a set of the Rose Law Firm billing records in her attic. These are not exact duplicates of the same records that showed up 2 years after they were subpoenaed - the ones found in the White House living quarters.

Washington Weekly 11/17/97 "...All these illegitimate uses of campaign money have one thing in common. The money need not be laundered. It need only be brought in from the donor. And brought in it was. In planeloads of cash, brought in through the remote Mena airport and transferred to the trunk of the Cadillac of bag man Jerry Parks who, according to the London Telegraph, together with Vince Foster transported the illegal cash to Little Rock. Both Foster and Parks are now dead, and we have no idea how much cash was brought in through this route, though we suspect it surpassed the amount of money that was laundered into legitimate political spending. Of all the bag men discovered so far, six are now dead, 36 have pleaded the Fifth Amendment, eleven have fled the country, and eleven are living in foreign countries and refuse to cooperate...."

American Spectator 2/1/98 "…In his December 1997 Presswatch article, "Vince Foster Redux, " he takes aim at Christopher Ruddy and stands up to the ridiculous conspiracy theories. I was the first police officer on the scene at Fort Marcy. My colleagues and I have endured outrageous accusations concerning this case. In one instance I was accused, in print, of having murdered Mr. Foster at the Central Intelligence Agency. Later, I reportedly transported his body to Fort Marcy in the trunk of a police car! I have over ten years of federal law enforcement experience. Both my brother and I joined the United States Park Police together. Our father was a police officer, so working in the field of law enforcement was inherent to us. I have appeared before hundreds of formal judicial proceedings. Never has my credibility been questioned. But along comes Mr. Ruddy. Suddenly I am a conspirator in the murder of a high-ranking official. I cooperated in each investigation concerning this incident. I appeared before the grand jury for two days….. I can put up with the harassing post cards that I received, and telephone calls made to my family. I even laugh at the fact that Mr. Ruddy would follow officers home after work in order to interview them, so that the "truth" could be told. But I will not allow Mr. Ruddy to question my truthfulness. Mr. Ruddy started his "investigation" some six months after the suicide. The memories of individuals not directly involved in the investigation do tend to fade after time. And, since I have had the opportunity to be interviewed by Mr. Ruddy, I'm well aware of the direction he wanted to go regarding the "investigation." --Kevin B. Fornshill United States Park Police Rock Creek Station Washington, D.C…."

more---link to alamogirl site to follow...

who is mega?

33 posted on 10/19/2001 3:19:29 PM PDT by f.Christian
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To: f.Christian
Foster was probably murdered by Hillary who suposedly had an affair together. The money could be in her hands in one of her Swiss accounts. Sheesh, all that an no mention of the whole phone system of the White House being tapped through a central switch in St. Louis (see Insight), no Hillary, no Maggie Williams and the rifling of the safe, and the lawyer/counsel; only brief allusion to Mena; no awareness of Foster's NSA past, and what of Sheryl Mills and that the taliban and opium go together? (Favish is a FReeper.)

Whatever Mega was (IDK) is only the tip of the iceberg of a response to what mess the Klintons created. A mess that gets messier and the tracks grow faint with time.

Criminals eventually show their colors elsewise, count on it.

35 posted on 10/20/2001 6:20:34 AM PDT by flamefront
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