Mr. Putin we will no longer be able to prop up your financially strapped gangster nation with loans from the USA or the World Bank. Further we know that the real reason that you and your mobster elite don't want the USA to attack Iran and IraQ is because in your greed you have sold nuclear weapons to both regimes. This truth once discovered would barr Russia from the league of civilized nations and brand Russia a rouge/ terrorist nation.
Examing the time we live in, I fully expect the above scenario to unfold.In order to hide Russia's complicity with Iran and Iraq, Putin might switch sides and be forced to use Russia's nukes on the USA. What an exciting time to be alive!
Hay Dr.Mike, funny, unlike most countries, Russia has enjoyed an annual 6%+ growth rate...gee, maybe your info is about an election too old. Try looking around and finding out what a country's true economic barings are before posting CNN crap ideas. Russia has paid back half of its IMF debts+30% interest and has kicked the IMF out. Try again, bud.
And to the lot of you: Imagine that, Russia is an idependent nation with its own concerns and issues...sorry not every nations wants to be a US lacky lap dog like Britian.