OK. Its the Church Christ established. That would be the Catholic Church.
Once I am saved I become a member of the body of Christ.
OK. But you wont know if youre saved or not until the judgement.
The church and the body are NOT separate. They are one and the same.
OK. So whats keeping you from joining his Church?
OK. But you wont know if youre saved or not until the judgement.
OK. So whats keeping you from joining his Church?
How goes that saying???...something like, "There is none so blind as he who WILL not see?" Pegleg, get your nose out of the RC handbook and into THE BOOK of books, or you will miss the Truth and be left out in the end. I beg of you.
Nah - that would be Christianity of which Catholicism claims to be a part. The Body of Christ is spiritual - not carnal. Jesus built no Carnal church. He founded a spiritual body. Don't forget, Petra being fem is for a purpose. The Body is the Bride (fem). I know, another spiritual truth that ya'll just can't seem to grasp.
OK. But you wont know if youre saved or not until the judgement.
Actually, every true Christian is not only saved but can have confidence in boldly saying it. Anyone who says otherwise speaks the lies of the devil. Jesus said, "Ye shall be saved" not, 'well, maybe if I feel like it that day.' And if we keep the faith through obedience, then we shall be justified. I know I'm saved. Why don't you know that you are?!
OK. So whats keeping you from joining his Church?
I joined the Body of Christ the day I was saved. I have Jesus in me and live as obediently before him as I can. The Catholic Church has had not one thing to do with my salvation. And it teaches things My Lord never taught. It teaches against the word of My Lord. And I have no use for Someone who does that. Therefore, I will stick to following God's will. If you hadn't figured it out, the Carnal kingdom Catholicism has been trying to build to itself for centuries will be destroyed completely. Or had you not read Revelation? You might want to gander at Chapter 21. There will be a new heaven and a new earth - the old will pass away. Jesus founded his spiritual body on the petra (fem) of faith in Him. The Body is the Bride (fem) of whom the Man is the head, (Jesus) and He rules his own!