First: You must know I don't believe there is such a place as Purgatory.
I realize that.
Second: We all know the abuse of Indulgences were the cause of great scandal in the Church.
The sale of them was an abuse. Whether they exist at all was a Reformation doubt.
Third: My skeptical nature causes me to believe they (and Purgatory) were "invented" for the sole purpose of raising money.
OK. But divorce them from money raising and then what?
Fourth: I believe the whole thing is abused.
Is this a different point than #2?
Fifth: I believe innocent youth are being "set up" to accept the practice as a normal thing.
Catholic kids are being taught their faith. If you don't like it then don't have your kids be taught the Catholic faith.
Good grief man, I could say the same thing about the poor Protestant youth being "set up" to believe Protestant lies, but I don't.