I believe every word of the bible is the inspired word of God and that each word (I can hear the arguments over translation stirring already:) is given in the order and context God wanted for a reason.
This verse says he foreknew those who were going to accept him, THEN he predestinated them to be the image of Christ, which is how we have to be to enter God's kingdom. We were predestined to AS CHRIST, not to be saved.
That is exactly how I understand predestination as well. God did not predestinate the who, but the way.
I brought this up with my pastor and he pointed me to Ecc 3:15 which says,
"That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past." - Ecc 3:15
What this means, he said, is that God is not only everywhere, but He is also everyWHEN. According to the Bible God does not change. Taking those two premises that He is everywhere and everywhen, and that He cannot change, He has always responded to us as saved or unsaved, depending upon His foreknowledge of us.