To: Askel5
To: independentmind
When will some people on this forum (supposedly conservative) tart pressing for the Feds to issue travel papers for state to state, heck town to town travel, say strip searches upon crossing state lines. I'm only being half sarcastic. It seems like after 9/11 a lot of conservatives lost their beliefs in a mad rush for security. I sure hope it doesn't last, and please no one misunderstand me. I understand a lot of it: fear, especially for those with children I guess. It is the whole idea of terrorism, and far too many people are playing right into it lock stock and barrel.
30 posted on
10/13/2001 7:29:40 PM PDT by
To: independentmind
bumpity uppity !!
86 posted on
06/27/2002 3:11:17 PM PDT by
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