To: truthandlife
I met someone who actually used this successfully on her dog because he had bad allergies and the area between his toes would fester.
2 posted on
10/11/2001 3:53:42 PM PDT by
To: truthandlife
I think true oregano is the biblical hyssop plant a member of the mint family, not the herb sold for cooking.
To: truthandlife
I also know someone who uses this, also - she HAD hepatitus C.....(blood transfusions from heart surgery years ago) HAD is the operative word, and the prognosis was not good...but used oregano oil, and other herbs...and shocked her doctors by getting rid of the HEP....
To: truthandlife
. . . there are components of oregano oil other than carvacrol that have antibiotic properties. Hope they're able to identify all of them soon and don't have too much trouble synthesizing them. Drug-resistance is becoming a big problem. Anyone know if there is any indication yet whether bacteria are less able to mutate to strains resistant to these "natural" antibiotics than to "man-made" ones? The fact that naturally occuring components of plants have been at least somewhat effective for centuries seems to suggest so, at least to me.
To: truthandlife
Works for this Italian-American. Add some Garlic, tomatoes, maybe a little Romano, I'm getting hungry.
10 posted on
10/11/2001 5:00:42 PM PDT by
To: truthandlife
Not to be too much of a crepe-hanger, but what kind of serious medical study uses only eighteen mice?
11 posted on
10/11/2001 5:43:54 PM PDT by
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