A priest in Monaco writes to Sue Kelly to insist that Ted has had two visits from priests every week of his incarceration.
Doing the math:
728 days wrongly imprisoned =
104 weeks wrongly imprisoned
X 2 priests a-visiting =
208 priestly visitations
divided by what a load I think this priest is foisting
equals a fatal disconnect between horsepower and horsesh*t.
Monaco director of juridical matters Patrice Davost also wrote Sue Kelly to assure her that Ted was getting satin sheets and a mint on the pillow.
So the extorted false confession, the sleep deprivation, the four-point restraint, the catheterization, the forcible administration of drugs, the kidnapping of Heidi and the theft by police of her passport, the threats by police on Heidi and the children, the forced necessity of Heidi having to sell their home and car and belongings and work sixteen-hour shifts to feed three young children--
All this is some kind of freaking wonderful CONTEST GRAND PRIZE that she and Ted have won?!
Yo! Father! It is to barf with your gag-a-maggot portrait of wonderfulness!
I am reminded of our poet e. e. cummings who said: