Can you publish a list of forbidden tags for us?Squeeze here
Any chance you'll ever let 's come back?I doubt it.
Can we use all tags in our custom style sheets or only the ones you've listed?You can use any tag and attribute in your custom style sheet. Since your style sheet will not affect others, it will not matter if you make use of absolute positioning. You're free to do whatever you want in there.
Can you tell us more about <p class=thisclass> tags?For a general overview, see my links in reply #2. Classes specific to Free Republic have not yet been conceived. I'll post another notice with a list of classes when one exists.
When we upload a style sheet, does it become our default style sheetYes.
It looks like you're planning to let us use other people's style sheets too. Are you going to give us a list of them to choose from?Yes. I will provide a list of style sheets made public. When you select such a sheet, it will be copied into your default style sheet. You can then make changes to it.
Are we going to be able to select a default style sheet when we post a thread?The style sheets are local to each viewer.
Wheew! :-)