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                    Por Agustín Blázquez
                    and Jaums Sutton
                    Paul Echaniz
                    La Nueva Cuba
                    September 20, 2001

                    With the criminal terrorist attack against the U.S. it seems to be pertinent
                    to bring to the forefront information about Castro that, although in public
                    records, has been dangerously ignored by the U.S. government and the
                    American people - perhaps to satisfy the far-left agenda controlling the
                    media and academia.

                    Cuba’s proximity to the U.S. and Castro’s hatred for this country and its
                    institutions, and his years of training, arming and aiding terrorists to
                    conduct his public war against the U.S. and his sinister underground
                    plans against this country to cause havoc and destruction, make it
                    relevant to point out these well-founded facts. America’s wake-up call
                    must include our hemisphere’s greatest international terrorist.

                    The documentation of Fidel Castro’s known involvement in international
                    terrorism goes back to his active participation in the April 1948 revolt in
                    Bogota, Colombia. According to Georgie Anne Geyer’s "Guerrilla Prince,"
                    this revolt left 5,000 dead and a third of Bogota in ashes. The same book
                    recounts his involvement in the December 1948 attempt to overthrow
                    Dominican Republic dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo.

                    In addition, Castro masterminded a failed terrorist attack on the Moncada
                    Garrison on July 26, 1953, where his men killed, in cold blood, soldiers
                    in their hospital beds. After Batista pardoned and released Castro from a
                    privileged tenure of about 19 months of his 15-year sentence for his
                    Moncada attack, he went to Mexico, where in August 1955 he
                    established contact with the Soviet KGB agent Nikolai Leonov. And the
                    future of Cuba was compromised onto a sinister, radical, left-wing fascist

                    After his return to Cuba in the Sierra Maestra, he began blackmailing,
                    terrorizing and executing farmers in that area who refused to supply him
                    with food or join his effort. He also kidnapped American marines and
                    others to gain political leverage. In the cities, his terrorist actions in
                    public places resulted in many civilian deaths. According to Dr. Armando
                    Lago’s research for a book, "2,826 lost their lives during the struggle
                    against Batista between March 10, 1952 and December 31, 1958.
                    Castro’s forces were responsible for 1432 of the deaths and Batista for

                    Dr. Lago says his figures are based on details provided by Bohemia
                    magazine, although, as a supporter of Castro, the magazine’s headline
                    proclaimed 20,000 deaths – the figure oft quoted by Castro. Castro’s
                    unsupported figure of 20,000 is what the media publishes all over the
                    world without questioning its veracity as do as the academics in the
                    learning centers in the U.S. and abroad.

                    Castro’s reign of terror began with his takeover of Cuba in 1959 and his
                    summary executions without trials, massive incarcerations, setting aside
                    the Constitution and organizing doomed armed operations against
                    Panama and the Dominican Republic to export his left-wing fascist terror,
                    disguised as "liberation."

                    Because of his well-documented hatred for the United States and the
                    freedom it represents, he concocted a plan to send drugs into this
                    country. Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld’s 1988 paper "Narco-Terrorism and the
                    Cuban Connection" refers to a secret report by the U.S. Drug
                    Enforcement Agency (DEA) published by the Miami Herald in November
                    1983 corroborating and dating Castro’s participation in drug-trafficking
                    into the U.S. to 1961.

                    Castro, with his visceral hatred for the U.S., asked Khrushchev during
                    the October 1962 Missile Crisis to lunch a nuclear attack against the
                    U.S. And during the Vietnam War, Castro dispatched his henchmen to
                    Hanoi to viciously torture U.S. POWs as documented by the historians
                    Stuart Rochester and Frederick Riley’s book "Honor Bound."

                    Since very early on Castro has been involved in arming, training and
                    offering sanctuary to terrorists from all over the world. Dr. Ehrenfeld says
                    in her paper that the 1979 edition of the "Soviet Military Encyclopedia"
                    recommends "the use of ‘biological weapons, narcotics, terrorist
                    activities, poisons and other methods. This definition accords with a
                    decision made at the Tri-Continental Conference of world revolutionary
                    groups held in Havana in January 1966. The decision called for the
                    planned destabilization of the United States and explicitly detailed such
                    activities as the exploitation and undermining of American society
                    through the trafficking of drugs and promotion of other corrupting criminal

                    According to Irving Louis Horowitz’s Preface of David J. Kopilow’s 1985
                    paper "Castro, Israel and the PLO," this Tri-Continental Conference,
                    heavily attended by more than 500 delegates from radical leftist groups
                    and terrorists, led "a series of moves ranging from Cuban
                    co-sponsorship of the U.N. General Assembly resolution condemning
                    ‘Zionism as Racism’ to manifest training and support for PLO efforts."
                    Castro provided tank crews that fought alongside the Syrians against
                    Israel in the 1973 Syrian-Israeli "war of attrition." At a point, Cuba had
                    3,000 troops deployed in Syria.

                    Horowitz says, "even the exceptional talents of Jewish writers on
                    post-revolutionary Cuba, often harnessed in support of the Castro
                    regime, reveals a seamier side: the deep, embittered silence of these
                    scholars of Jewish origin when confronted with the burdensome
                    evidence of Castro’s unbridled anti-Semitism, coupled with the near total
                    disintegration of the pre-1959 thriving Jewish community of Havana in
                    particular and Cuba in general." Castro decimated the Jewish community
                    in Cuba; today about 700 remain.

                    "Castro has helped the PLO gain prominence in the United Nations and
                    other international arenas, introduced the PLO into Central America,
                    [and Africa] provided direct military support by sending troops to the
                    Middle East, and giving training to PLO terrorists." And Kopilow also
                    documents that one of the most famous graduates of the Cuban terrorist
                    training’s camps was Illich Ramirez Sanchez, known as "’Carlos the
                    Jackal,’ who was responsible for much success of Palestinian terrorism
                    in Europe."

                    He also says, "The Havana office of the PLO is now located in the same
                    building which houses the Cuban Zionist Center." In 1981, the PLO
                    arranged a Libyan loan to Cuba of nearly $50 million.

                    Castro maintains close working relations with Libya’s Moammar Qaddafi.
                    According to an AP dispatch dated May 16, 2001, Castro visited Qaddafi
                    "six times" from March 6 to May 16, 2001. This last suspicious visit was
                    after visiting Algeria, Iran, Malaysia, Qatar and Syria. Qaddafi even
                    presented him in the past with a "human rights" award for "his fight
                    against the U.S."

                    Castro cultivates the alliance of other devotee warmonger/U.S.-hating
                    tyrants such as Iraq’s Saddam Hussein as well as other state sponsors
                    of terrorism in the Middle East and other parts of the world. Curiously,
                    they all appear on the U.S. State Department's "Patterns of Global
                    Terrorism – 2000," released on April 30, 2001. This is an annual report
                    sent to Congress that has been listing Cuba since 1993; see U.S. Cuba
                    Policy Report, April 30, 2001, page 9. Castro developed a relationship
                    with Saddam Hussein since both share a fondness for bacteriological
                    weapons. In a September 1997 article by Jonathan T. Stride titled "Who
                    Will Check Out Fidel Castro’s New Chemical/Biological Weapons Plant
                    in East Havana?", Castro’s chemical/biological weapons factories are
                    exposed – probably based on a Confidential Report translated from
                    Spanish on February 1997.

                    Also, we can find more information about Castro’s involvement with
                    bacteriological and chemical warfare in Dr. Manuel Cereijo’s paper
                    "Castro: A Threat To The Security Of The United States," dated October
                    1997. In an article in Spanish by Roberto Fabricio published by El Nuevo
                    Herald on June 20, 1999. And in an Executive Summary titled "Is Castro
                    Preparing for a Gotterdammerun?" by Ernesto F. Betancourt, Sept. 9,
                    1999, we can see the connection between the tyrants.

                    In his summary Betancourt says, "It has been widely commented that the
                    CIA has found that the genetic and biotechnology industry, one of
                    Castro’s pet projects, is nothing but a cover for developing biological
                    weapons. This industry is housed in a complex of buildings in the
                    Miramar zone of Havana, some of which are reported to have the usual
                    security measures associated with biological weapons development. It is
                    this knowledge that led Defense Secretary William Cohen in 1998 to
                    caution the earlier Pentagon report about Cuba not being any longer a
                    military threat to the U.S."

                    In another paper by Betancourt dated October 18, 1999, titled "The
                    Encephalitis Outbreak, Hussein and Castro: A CIA/CDC Cover-Up?", he
                    traced the possible connection and cooperation between the two tyrants
                    exporting viruses to the U.S. Betancourt, among others, cites The New
                    Yorker’s October 18-25, 1999 article by Richard Preston saying "a
                    quotation made by Saddam refers to a dossier about ‘details of his
                    ultimate weapon, developed in secret laboratories outside Iraq. Free of
                    U.N. inspection, the laboratories would develop the SV1417 strain of the
                    West Nile virus – capable of destroying 97 percent of life in an urban
                    environment . . ..’ Now, where could such a research be undertaken?"

                    Betancourt suggests a few characteristics that will help pin point these
                    "secret laboratories outside Iraq." "It must have a technological capability
                    to undertake such research, a country friendly to Iraq and hostile to the
                    U.S., outside the reach of any U.N. inspection, a closed society, where
                    these activities can be free of press coverage; and located within the
                    reach of migratory birds. There is one place on earth that meets those
                    requirements: Castro’s Cuba. The research undertaken in Cuba is
                    precisely centered on developing virus strains suitable to be inoculated
                    to the many migratory birds that fly North-South in the Fall and
                    South-North in the Spring. It can be concluded that Cuba is the most
                    plausible candidate for the germ warfare research and development
                    activities referred to by Saddam Hussein in The New Yorker article."

                    This paper quotes John Roehrig of the CDC saying, "it is not yet clear
                    how the virus got to New York, but it could be from bird migration or from
                    virus-carrying imported birds that infected the area’s mosquito
                    population." Citing details from others, Betancourt concludes, "How this
                    virus reached the U.S. is an epidemiological mystery, since it has never
                    been identified in North or South America. Castro has been for almost
                    twenty years engaged in the development of germ warfare capabilities
                    as well as in a delivery system using migratory birds to introduce
                    epidemics into the U.S. to be transmitted by mosquitoes." 

                    According to a former researcher of the Cuban Zoo Institute who now
                    lives in Switzerland, Carlos Wotzkow, author of the 1998 book
                    Natumaleza Cubana, we learn on its page 65 that unfortunately, the
                    Smithsonian Institution collaborated with Castro by economically funding
                    the study of migratory birds along with the University of Pennsylvania.

                    According to a well-informed source wishing to remain anonymous, the
                    following U.S. institutions collaborated with information and gave funds
                    to Cuba to conduct the study of migratory birds. They are the
                    Department of Ornithology of the American Museum of Natural History in
                    New York, the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Nebraska Section of the
                    Department of the Interior, The Audubon Society and RARE, a Center for
                    Tropical Conservation, supported by the MacArthur Foundation. Let me
                    clarify that these U.S. institutions probably did not have any idea that the
                    information gained by Cuba was going to be used for the sinister
                    purpose of exporting diseases to the U.S.

                    And sadly, American tourists leave their money in Cuba ignoring that
                    they are contributing to the support of a terrorist regime that seeks their
                    own destruction. According to Castro’s own words, "his destiny" will be
                    "to wage a war against them" [the U.S.], as he wrote on June 5, 1958 to
                    his secretary, the late Celia Sanchez (available in public records). The
                    message is loud and clear, how naïve can we afford to continue being in
                    the U.S.?

                    Radio Marti reported last August 26, 2001, as well as other American
                    newspapers, that the West Nile virus in the U.S. has been spreading
                    faster then expected. Radio Marti reported cases in north Florida. Other
                    newspapers reported cases in New York, Baltimore, Washington, D.C.
                    and Georgia. Radio Marti reported that Wotzkow says that "in 1980
                    Castro ordered the unleashing of a biological war against the U.S." and
                    quoted Dr. Luis Roberto Henandez saying "Cuba’s laboratories identify
                    and produce viruses for migratory birds." Betancourt’s article published
                    in Spanish in Miami’s El Nuevo Herald appeared as the main source in
                    Radio Marti’s report.

                    In addition, Castro’s Cuba is a training ground and sanctuary for Basque
                    terrorists responsible for hundreds of deaths in Spain, terrorists from
                    Ireland, Colombia, Puerto Rico and other nationalities, hijackers,
                    drug-traffickers, outlaws, fugitive U.S. criminals, and a collection of the
                    scum of the earth (all U.S.-haters).

                    Cuba, 90 miles from the U.S., has two powerful spy stations in the
                    outskirts of Havana. One built and still updated and maintained by the
                    former Soviet Union, and another built not long ago by our Chinese
                    "friends." Both of these stations are actively engaged in collecting
                    military, economic and civilian information and are certainly sharing their
                    findings with terrorists worldwide.

                    According to Dr. Manuel Cereijo‘s 1997 paper, they have the capability
                    "of interrupting commercial and military computer communications in the
                    United States, in case of a confrontation with this country." Also, Cereijo
                    says that Cuba regularly develops computer viruses "with the intent of
                    using them to disrupt computer systems during time of war or crisis."
                    Many Cuban Americans in the U.S. have had their computers damaged
                    by made-in-Cuba viruses.

                    Castro still keeps sending his agents and spies to the U.S. His U.N.
                    Cuban Mission in New York and the Cuba Interests Section in
                    Washington, D.C. are nothing but nests of trained security agents posing
                    as diplomats. Last April 2000, in Washington, D.C., a press conference
                    was broadcast by local FOX TV protesting the Cuban "diplomats" attack
                    of peaceful demonstrators on U.S. soil. In it, Joe Carrollo, the Mayor of
                    Miami, revealed an intelligence report charging current Cuba Charge
                    d’Affairs, Fernando Remirez de Estenoz, as the person who introduced
                    bacteriological weapons to kill blacks by Cuban soldiers during the war
                    in Angola, Africa.

                    With the end of Soviet communism, the U.S. government and the
                    American people thought that the danger to this country was over. But it
                    is not so for as long as there are so many nations who literally hate our
                    guts and are overcome with envy for what this country is thanks to our
                    freedom and democracy.

                    Recently, this hatred was clearly demonstrated by expelling the U.S.
                    from the U.N. Commission on Human Rights and by the shameless racist
                    conduct of many nations during the recent U.N. World Conference
                    Against Racism in Durban, South Africa. Among those attending that
                    sham was Castro, one of the oldest tyrants in the Western World, who
                    violates all human rights and, as documented by Jim Guirard in a recent
                    article, "Behind the Mask - A Fascist Fidel," practices racism,
                    anti-Semitism, homophobia and sexism.

                    Castro also practices apartheid and caused the deaths of more than
                    100,000 in Cuba and thousands abroad. As usual, Castro blasted and
                    blamed the U.S. for all evil in the world, and his many admirers in the
                    U.N. applauded him with gusto.

                    For as long as this unjust hatred for the U.S. persists and rogue nations,
                    such as Cuba, among others, give sanctuary to international terrorists
                    and collaborate by providing training, intelligence, and logistic support,
                    despicable and unforgivable acts like the attack of Sept. 11, 2001, will
                    continue. Do not get confused by the hypocritical messages of
                    condolence sent by Castro and many of our cowardly enemies who aid
                    and give sanctuary to terrorism and now fear the might of this nation and
                    its people.

                    It is time for America to wake up to the realities surrounding us and
                    realize that not all cultures share our values. It is time for resolve and to
                    go to the root of the problems, which are a group of nations, run by
                    tyrannies that are unable to live and let live in a civilized way and in
                    peace with the rest of the planet. The choice is clear. Castro hasn’t (yet)
                    orchestrated a massive event causing the instant deaths of thousands of
                    Americans, but the effects of his actions – spread out over 42 years –
                    have probably affected even more. And are the tourists who help support
                    him and the media so anxious to give him the opportunity to spread his
                    word, now, officially (in the words of our president) accomplices?

                    © 2001 ABIP

                    Agustin Blazquez is producer/director of the documentaries "Covering
                    Cuba," "Covering Cuba 2: The Next Generation," "Covering Cuba 3:


1 posted on 09/23/2001 6:21:46 AM PDT by Corazon
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To: Corazon
2 posted on 10/04/2001 2:44:49 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
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To: Corazon
A very important eye openning research article. I hope those in Washington and in the media take note. Thank You for posting it.
3 posted on 10/05/2001 8:38:51 AM PDT by Cardenas
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To: Mo1
Who is Fidel Castro? (I'm just pretending to be Mo's clueless neighbor)
5 posted on 10/24/2001 7:13:14 AM PDT by ValerieUSA
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