This is war. It needs to be declared, and we need to start invading Afghanistan, Pakistan, and anywhere where these vermin are hiding, and take them out. Yes, all the pissant little countries will scream and yell, but what else can they do to us they haven't now already done?
See, that's the problem with terror. It is more potent when it is a THREAT than when it is a reality. Once the unthinkable has happened, as it now has (I still feel like I'm inside a Tom Clancy novel), then we have nothing left to lose.
Start moving carrier-based invasion groups into position, start moving the Marines onshore. Occupy capital cities if we have to. Kill the vermin, not only for us but for the safety of the rest of the world.
Another on the ball bump....
Never to forget !!
Prophetic words, 2 hours after the attack...
Rugerman, this was a dark day here in Free Republic...we lost a couple of people.
Never Forget.