One solves problems by addressing the real issue, which, as you agree, is liberalism. Abolishing clerical celibacy to address a temporary problem caused by liberalism risks permanently discarding a tradition that has proved valuable in the past for the sake of a palliative to a temporary problem.
>>>>>>>Look, I'm an Evangelical for a variety of reasons which I won't get into here. But much as I may disagree with the Catholic Church on certain theological issues, I stand with you in the realm of public morality and I want to see you solve this sodomite priest problem as badly as you<<<<<<<
I appreciate your good will toward the Church. Thanks.
Last question -- why was clerical matrimony abolished a thousand years ago? What problem were they trying to solve, back then? Is it still in existence a thousand years later, or was it temporary?
That good will is starting to crumble. See post 252.