Now THIS -is- a subject that is worthy of attention.
As I was trying to point out in your Shrek II thread - there are many serious issues on the subject matter that need attention. Picking at inconsequential jokes in "Shrek II" only serves to discredit legitimate concerns about things like this. I'm not saying this to be a jerk. I'm saying this cause I agree with the overall point being made, but taking it too far can lose a lot of necessary allies.
I started with that Shrek2 movie. I added how paraphilia's such as transvesticism were included within the movie Shrek2, like pinnochio lying about wearing womens underwear, how that California schools are teaching that transvesticism is 'ok' and was going to cap it off with this.
When you look at the movie, California schools, and now this it brings it all together.
Unfortunately, Shrek II is germane to this discussion. I have not seen it, but understand that it has some references to sexually deviant behavior as a source of humor.
The problem is that popular culture is where ideas become "normalized". Who would have thought 20 years ago that there would be umpteen network shows that included gay behavior as part of the plotline. Or, for that matter, the multiple sexual encounters of a bunch of women? Or that any reference to Jesus, other than as a swear word of course, would be come culturally unacceptable?
There are some interesting articles out there about the progression of ideas. If it were only an incidental reference in Shrek II, wouldn't be a problem, but trust me - that won't be where it ends.