Seems like a nit to me. The car is on a public highway. The rules for using that highway should be determined by the public. If you don't agree with the rules, don't use the road.
Is it fascist to have such a law.
I would use the term "tyrannical" rather than "fascist". Tyrannical in the sense that power is being wielded illegitimately. I believe the right to liberty means I have the ability to act as I see fit on my own property.
Some people I know do feel that way.
While I, also am offended by nanny statism, with respect to what is permissible in public venues, I believe they are acting within their powers to circumscribe certain behaviors.
The government is restricting your behavior in your private property because of what they feel is the greater impact on society as a whole. Same situation as not allowing smoking in an arena.
The devil is always in the details.