El cheapo...hee...hee...hee...!
Well, I myself quit smoking in '88, had an Aortic dissection (John Ritter demise) in '00 and was brought back to life by very talented Doctors.
I started smoking again in '01 however I prefer to inhale and since I do, Carltons are my favorite choice in my healthy and normal life I might add.
NYC GOP Chick considers such posts TMI, however I see it as good info, for I am healthy as can be, less the dissection.
My heart was the healthiest heart the doctors have seen, and at my age (just guess)they were very impressed with the health of my heart, cardiovascular system, and my health in total.
The only change in the recent past before my demise, is I married a nurse,(two weeks before) who was supportive through my rendering of having my heart removed ,and even favored me with putting my dog to sleep,: ( while I was in surgery, and claiming to my family that she knew how to put a person to sleep for good without a trace, I was interrogated by the Doctors as to what I possessed in the household for poisons, was checked and probed for such and nothing found.
Point being, sh!t can happen, smoking aside, and they DO happen, smoking aside!
What's the big deal with society whether people smoke or not?
What's the big deal with society whether people smoke or not?
In a word..........control.