I am ALSO against more taxes and social engineering but there is such a think as cutting off your nose to spite your face and smoking to thumb your nose at liberals falls into that category.
Maybe I am a bit unreasonable about this issue since several people close to me have died of lung cancer.
Nothing to do with the fact that they SMOKED,however!(Sarcasm intended).
Seeing as though you are concerned about people's health, or think that the government should be, you must also support tighter smog standards and taxes on 'polluting' vehicles, right?
Many people die of lung cancer - including non-smokers.
I don't know anyone who denies smoking increases the risk.......but just because someone smokes does not mean THAT is the reason they get lung cancer.
Correlation does not equal causality.
I'm not going to say you are unreasonable about this issue, but I will suggest that you might look into getting a copy of the book in the article............it is an eye-openner.
Yes, I am a friend of the author, but no I do not get paid to promote sales of the book.
You are and if emotional outcry's are beneficial to you then perhaps a shrink is also.