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To: wardaddy
I've never been in a real shootout, so it's all theory to me. But I think the cowboy and gangster movies teach some bad lessons, where good and bad guys stand in the open blazing away at one another. I think in reality, you had best get to cover first! My limited experience shooting wax bullets in ship holds etc tells me that shooting from the open turns one into a bullet magnet right away. Even if you hit the other guy, he will react by blasting away at your muzzle flashes even if that's all he can see. So much better to be behind a wall, vehicle etc. Even if that means "running" for the first few seconds of a shootout!

Of course there are situations where you have no choice but to advance, firing and being fired at, in the open. But I think that is the exceptional situation and not the rule. Rule 1 should be do everything you can not to become a bullet magnet! That means move to cover first.

Of course if you're lucky and you have to fire from the open like the Klan-commie shootout, or our forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, you may be blessed with enemies who can't hit a barn. But that's not the way to plan or train. Train like your enemies are good shots, and get cover first.

100 posted on 01/24/2004 10:27:21 PM PST by Travis McGee (----- -----)
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To: Travis McGee; Squantos
Yea...I know. I'm talking off the top of my piehole.

Anything happens at my office, I'm ducking and sending lead their way.

At a car wash collection, it will probably be in the open and who knows, I'm a good shot and have seen some elephants driving Mercedes and Land Rovers in the third world (a long time ago) but I don;t know now. If it's a gang with Tech-9s, I better hope they are lousy shots. Of course I do pay attention to my surroundings...I picked that up keenly "somewhere"

At home, damn if I know...startled and half awake...I'll do my best.

Good incentive to get another alpha male dog, they up yer odds exponentially and if they are trueheart, they will fling themselves at Godzilla if need be. I keep a lot of lead handy...edges too. I will do my best. I do not tolerate threats anymore....nosiree....been there, and EFF THAT! Any sign of threat and I go for my's that simple and my family knows it.

and sometimes you just get caught with yer britches down and have to try to retreat to get better position and avoid the problem at that time if possible. I am mighty vulnerable in parking lots with 2 babies in tow and don't go places where I am exposed if possible.

Remember that nearly 70 year old marine that shot the two armed intruders near me last year with his .357 loaded with ratshot in his mansion...he said God saved them since he didn't grab his 1911 in the dark...well, if that crusty old fart can take it straigh to too doper home invaders who were armed with an AK-74 and some sort of pistol then so can we. They shot it out in his 5 car garage and he popped both of them as they fired wildly. He claimed he does practice...a good lesson.

I think the Bedford Forrest attitude is a good one but of course he didn't face semi-autos but he did face cannon fire...something I hope to avoid here in the private
104 posted on 01/24/2004 11:12:01 PM PST by wardaddy ("either the arabs are at your throat, or at your feet")
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