Posted on 05/22/2015 11:59:56 AM PDT by shove_it
They simply don't make 'em like this any more. Take five minutes to watch this video interview -- and listen carefully to what he says and how he says it. I promise you, you won't regret a second of it.
Ask yourself, how many of the few surviving WWII veterans kept themselves and their uniform in such good condition for over 70 years and can still proudly wear it? Notice his superb delivery, no teleprompter, no script -- just a 91-year-old fighter pilot representing the greatest generation at home and abroad who won WWII. He has some surprises and a great take on the philosophy of life.
Just a week ago, a USMC Captain from southern iowa passed away. He was at Iwo Jima durring the worst of the fight, making way for this AAF Captain to fly his fighter.
The Marine Captain was Mick Starcevich, born in Centerville, Iowa, about an hour west of Fairfield.
Never mind — I got it right the first time — what a dope!
Versatility - the Mustang's long-range capability allowed for sweeping mainland chinese japanese air bases and clear-out kamikazi aircraft before they could attack our ships.
Thanks for the post and the link to this moving commentary by Capt. Wellin. We may never again see such valiant heroes.
Huge thanks for posting this.
His generation was the finest at a time when the most difficult of times and duty called.
“And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accursd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispins day.”
Sometimes I think I was born 30 years too late. We Boomers did not realize, as we were growing up, that we lived in the shadow of giants, and we live now in the shadows of the few who remain, and the ghosts of those who have gone on.
I totally agree with your sentiment.
I enjoyed hearing him explaining what he did.....Can you imagine 8 hours flying, day after day, that would be exhausting.
..We live in the world these men created.....
I would love to fly one of these. That and the f86 sabre.
Thanks for the video....
Awesome and thanks!
That’s a real man for you!
I look at these World War II vets, and have so much respect for them and their generation.
We need more people like this gentleman.
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