During the broadcast they mentioned that one of the reasons for the high cost of end-of-life healthcare is the cost of all the extraordinary tests ordered by doctors. But there was ZERO mention of WHY those tests are conducted:
CBS couldn’t bear offending the DNC’s main benefactor, the trial lawyers.
Thought I heard one of the Doctors say that’s why they run all the tests?
Not sure?
I was screaming at my television at the part where Dr. Death and the woman who agreed to allow her mother’s death to be used as a case study against the industry said “I think mainly all the tests were to cover their rear.” THEY WOULDN’T NEED TO DO ALL THOSE TESTS AND CALL IN ALL THOSE SPECIALISTS IF IT WEREN’T FOR AMBULANCE-CHASERS! Tort reform, competition across state lines, I guess you just can’t bring those up on the new state-run media.