The grandson got a nerf dart gun game so of course after dinner we had to go and play nerf darts in the dark. I think we found all of them :-) The grandbaby who is about 18 months was hoot unwrapping her presents. She would pull of a piece of paper and have to turn and hand it to her mom, I think it took about 5 minutes to get the first present unwrapped.
A quick note on the house fire. I can't claim to know much about the folks in the house. According to the news last night the landlord, that should be slumlord, had the electricity turned off on Chriatmas Eve. Because they were 6 months behind in the rent. Ths guy is your basic idiot as he has lived here as long as I have and does just the bare minimum to get by with the city. According to my next door neighbor some of the people in the house had left about 4am.
Here is where it gets kinda weird. Going back to the news last night another neighbors 12 year old kids saw the fire about 5am. The one girl called 911 and the other girl got a ladder that was in the yard and put it up for the 11 year old boy that was left in the house to escape by. Now neither Mrs alfa6 or I recall seeing any kids living in this house especially for the last 6 months? One final note the folks who left have not returned and no seems to know where they went??? The 11 year old is staying with some relatives IIRC. It is all very strange.
The house was split into a duplex, 1st floor and basement quaters. The fire was in the upstairs rear of the house and from what I could see it looks like the back of the first floor was pretty well burned up. Of course the folks who are downstairs will come home to find most everything there either waterlogged or smoke damaged.
Anyways here is a pic of the alfa6 grandkids/pigeonpad testers in thier Christmas finery, sort of.
The red haired girl is my sons daughter and the other three belong to the #2 daughter and her husband.
alfa6 ;>}
It sounds like you had a nice Christmas. I'm so glad.
We had a nice one, too. My tension level lowered immediately when dinner was finally ready and we all sat down at the table. :^)
Strange neighbors.
Plenty of food to go around. Usually ends up around my waist!