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The FReeper Foxhole Remembers Gen. Richard Ewell at Gettysburg (7/2/1863) - Mar. 21st, 2005
America's Civil War Magazine | Robert C. Cheeks

Posted on 03/20/2005 9:54:07 PM PST by SAMWolf

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Greene had graduated from West Point in 1823 and had served 13 years in the Regular Army before resigning and pursuing a career in civil engineering. In 1862, Greene joined the army as a volunteer. At Chancellorsville, two months earlier, he and his brigade held the Union salient against overwhelming odds and in a large part were responsible for providing time to extricate the right wing of the army. Now, Greene found himself in a similar situation.

Along the northern slope of Culp's Hill, the Federal line was held by Brig. Gen. James Wadsworth's division, or more accurately, what was left of it. The day before, July 1, the two brigades of the division, the legendary Iron Brigade and the hard-fighting 2nd Brigade, had suffered more than 50 percent casualties in a heroic effort to stave off the determined assaults of three Confederate divisions. That they eventually failed was inevitable, but the price extracted from their enemy was exorbitant. While the casualty list for I Corps was swollen with the names of brave men, the fighting spirit of the remnant was not diminished.

Wadsworth's line formed along the crest of Culp's Hill, while Greene's gradually descended toward Rock Creek as it moved southeastward. Greene had just started his movement to occupy the vacated works when his entire front came alive with the sharp reports of musketry and the nerve-shattering Rebel battle cry. The brigade was caught in motion, the worst fate that could befall a fighting unit.

The Marylanders assault Culp's Hill at the battle of Gettysburg, July 2 1863

Nicholl's brigade of case-hardened Louisianans (the 1st, 2nd, 10th, 14th and 15th Louisiana) under the command of Colonel Williams, fell on Wadsworth's redoubt while J.M. Jones' brigade of Virginians struck Wadsworth's right and Greene's left. In the darkness on the severe slopes, Johnson's veterans were having a terrible time of it. Not only did the terrain seem to rise up against them but also sharp-eyed bluecoats were firing volleys by companies, secure behind abatis and trenchworks. The Federals cut down each and every attempt to seize their works and left the northeast slope of Culp's hill littered with Confederate dead and wounded.

Greene's 1,400-man brigade was next stunned by Steuart's assault on the right. The vanguard of Steuart's attacking column was the 23rd Virginia, which poured destructive fire on the New Yorkers and rolled them back. The Virginians, their battle blood up, pursued the federals through the works until they reached a part of the line perpendicular to the enemy and opened an enfilading fire. The staccato sound of individual musket fire followed moments later by the roar of a volley cut through the air and filled the participants with a sense of dread known only by combat veterans. The New Yorkers were in an untenable position.

Greene saw all to clearly that even courage and heroism couldn't hold the position for long; he sent couriers to adjacent commands desperately seeking support. Wadsworth, having secured his line, sent the 6th Wisconsin and 84th New York, while Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard, commanding the XI Corps, sent over the 82nd Illinois, 45th and 157th New York, and 61st Ohio. From II Corps on Cemetery Ridge, due west of Culp's Hill, the 71st Pennsylvania arrived -- and just as quickly returned as a result of staff errors. The six regiments that came to aid Greene had already suffered terrible casualties on the first day of the battle and, as a result, only 700 soldiers were able to answer muster.

The 37th and 10th Virginia regiments and the 1st Maryland Battalion moved up in support of the 23rd Virginia and extended the line westward. The Rebel movement was countered by the appearance of Greene's reinforcements, arriving peacemeal on the field. Faced with increased resistance and oncoming darkness, and forewarned that Lt. Gen. James Longstreet's infantry was coming to his aid, Steuart was anxious to secure his gains and await further developments. In the meantime, elements of the 1st and 3rd North Carolina regiments pushed westward in the darkness toward the Baltimore Pike, groping in the night before retracing their steps and rejoining the brigade. At 10 P.M.., Steuart's brigade had established a lodgement on the right of the Federal line, near the top of Culp's Hill.

Brigadier General George S. Greene

It was just as well that the North Carolinians had halted short of the pike. Had they continued, they would have encountered a strong line of skirmishers thrown out by Brig. Gen. Thomas Ruger, commanding the 3rd Brigade of Williams' 1st Division, XII Corps. Following Ruger, Brig. Gen. Henry Lockwood's 2nd Brigade moved on Ruger's left, near the Baltimore Pike, and bivouacked for the night. In the meantime, Ruger formed his line from Spangler's Spring, near Rock Creek on his right, to a field near the pike on his left. Williams' XII Corps was returning from the Federal left after learning its works on Culp's Hill had been seized by the enemy.

About the time Ruger was putting his brigade in line, the first elements of Geary's 2nd Division were returning from their misadventures on the Federal left. Earlier in the day, Geary had received orders to follow Williams' division after the latter had started his division down the Baltimore Pike. By the time Geary had gotten his division (less Green's brigade) in marching column, Williams and his command were gone. Geary's orders were to follow Williams, but as he was out of sight, no one could tell Geary where he was supposed to go. So Geary marched the division south along the pike, turned left at an intersection, away from the battle, and got himself and his command lost for several hours. A frantic search by XII Corps staff officers finally located the missing brigadier, and he was ordered to march his division back to Culp's Hill.

Dead trees in front of Greene's Brigade's position on Culp's Hill

At 9 p.m., Geary ordered Brig. Gen. Thomas Kane to move the three Pennsylvania regiments of his 2nd Brigade back to their old position. Colonel Charles Candy's six regiments of the 1st Brigade would follow. Two hundred yards from its former position, Kane's leading regiment took fire and withdrew, fearing the Pap Greene's 3rd Brigade had opened on it by mistake in the darkness. Kane marched his men back to the Baltimore Pike, moved them around Greene's position, and brought them up on his right. As it neared the line, Kane's command was hit with another volley, and he ended up taking a position on Greene's right, perpendicular to his line.

Not long after "Allegheny" Johnson's division had become engaged, Jubal Early ordered his battle line forward. Robert Hoke's brigade, now commanded by Colonel Isaac E. Avery of the 6th North Carolina, held the left, while Hays' brigade formed the right of the attacking lines. Gordon's brigade constituted the reserve. Extra Billy Smith's little brigade of Virginians moved up the York Road in search of the ephemeral Yankees.

Greene's works on Culp's Hill

Hays had been given overall command of the assault, and as soon as he received the order from Early, he sent the two brigades forward. The seasoned Rebel infantrymen advanced with measured step, battle flags unfurled, the sound of bugles and the steady tattoo of regimental drummers providing a martial air that stirred the brave and calmed the hesitant. Clearing the low hill on their front, the Southerners were struck by the musketry of well-entrenched Federals and supporting batteries. Men fell in groups of twos and threes as shells burst just above them. Others were savaged by wickedly ricocheting shell fragments. To a man, the Confederate infantry knew that at 300 yards out, the cursed Yankee artillery would switch to canister and the price to be paid would increase dramatically.

Hay's brigade made for the area of the hill closest to town, while Avery's men descended a low knoll on their front and began to take galling and accurate musket fire on their right flank. Avery, mounted on a white charger, ordered a right oblique under severe fire, which his veteran command executed perfectly. Directly to their front, protected behind a stone wall, the Federal brigades of Colonels Leopold von Gilsa and Andrew Harris formed their line of battle.

1 posted on 03/20/2005 9:54:09 PM PST by SAMWolf
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To: snippy_about_it; PhilDragoo; Johnny Gage; Victoria Delsoul; The Mayor; Darksheare; Valin; ...
Union artillery continued to pound the Confederate advance, and darkness, coupled with the smoke of musketry and artillery, blanketed the field and shielded the attackers. The Rebel yell was picked up and moved along the companies and regiments with rapidity. Their battle blood was up now, and they itched to "git in among'em."

The 75th Ohio had been placed at the stone wall south of the hill, the 17th Connecticut on its left. Near the beginning of the attack, the 17th was ordered to the extreme right of the line, probably in response to the fighting on Culp's Hill. Only a few soldiers of the 25th Ohio Volunteers held the line vacated by the 17th. Avery's men, perfectly furious at having taken Federal fire in the assault, struck the 1st Division's defensive perimeter, found the area vacated by the 17th, and poured through quickly, overrunning the men of the 25th Ohio. The Federals quickly began to skedaddle. Organized resistance collapsed altogether, a frightening recreation of the events the day before and two months earlier at Chancellorville. Forevermore, the 1st Division would be referred to with the insulting sobriquet "Flying Dutchmen." So great was the fear and the panic that seized these men, many of whom were recent German immigrants, that their flight to presumed safety took them directly into the fire lanes of Union artillery.

Meanwhile, Avery had mounted his white charger in order to take his command forward in the tradition of the Old South. Near the stone wall he was struck by a ball at the base of his neck. The wound that would take his life 30 hours later allowed sufficient time for the colonel to render a last gallant message: "Major, tell my father I fell with my face to the enemy."

The southern charge on Cemetery Hill.

Captain Michael Wiedrich ordered the guns of his Battery I, 1st New York Light Artillery, fully depressed, loaded with a double-shotted rounds of canister and fired as quickly as his gunners could manage. He didn't consider at the time that his command was killing his own fleeing infantry as well. He was more concerned with the prospect of keeping the Rebels away from his guns.

All too soon, Wiedrich's worst fears came to pass as Confederate infantry fell on his guns with a ferocity reserved for cannoneers. The killing took on a frenzy that intensified when Weidrich's artillerymen, mostly German immigrants, stood well to their guns and fought bayonets and clubbed muskets with fence rails, ramrods and pistols. No quarter was asked and none given.

The fight over Wiedrich's Battery on Cemetery Hill.

At Wiedrich's battery, some 75 Rebel soldiers, mostly from the 6th North Carolina Volunteer Infantry, planted their battle flags and prepared to continue the advance. Their next objective was Captain R. Bruce Rickett's Batteries F and G, 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery. The results were the same, but the confederate assault was now petering out, the attackers widely dispersed, fighting individual battles in small groups along the front. Colonel Tate, commanding the 6th North Carolina, called for support, but Early never ordered Gordon forward and Rodes never got out of Gettysburg in time.

Hancock had heard the fighting over on Cemetery Ridge and, without hesitating, ordered Colonel Samuel Carrol's 1st Brigade, minus the 8th Ohio, over to Cemetery Hill. By the luck that is often associated with hard fighters, the three regiments (4th Ohio, 14th Indiana, and the 7th West Virginia) came in on the right of Rickett's batteries. Guided by the musket flashes of Tate's Rebels, who now held the batteries, Carroll ordered his regiments forward.

Close fighting on Cemetery Hill between Carroll's Brigade and the "Louisiana Tigers". A sketch made soon after the battle by Alfred R. Waud

The 14th Indiana formed in two lines and led the assault, supported by the 4th Ohio. The 7th West Virginia was forced to change fronts in order to strike the salient's flank, all accomplished in the dark and under severe fire. The 80 or so Confederates under Tate's command were no match for the three excellent Federal regiments, and Tate ordered a withdrawal as soon as the Yankees struck. The Confederates found a stone wall near Wiedrich's battery and made a stand. Firing by volley into the dense mass of union infantry, Tate and his men were able to throw back the attacking Federals.

Hays' brigade faced the same situation as Avery's had on the left. After breaking three lines of Union infantry posted behind stone walls and enduring the Union artillery fire, Hays' assault petered out near the summit of Cemetery Hill in the face of stiffening Federal resistance.

The XI Corps commander, Howard, completely frustrated by the failure of his Dutchmen to hold a protected position, ordered Maj. Gen. Carl Schurz to advance on the Confederates holding Wiedrich's batteries. Schurz in turn ordered Colonel Wladimir Krzyzanowski, commanding the 2nd Brigade of Schurz's division, to take two regiments and drive on the Rebel salient at the batteries. Colonel Charles Coster's 1st Brigade came up in support and, coupled with the appearance of Carroll's three regiments, was sufficient force not only to dislodge the Rebels but also to threaten their destruction.

The damaged cemetery gatehouse at the top of Cemetery Hill.

Hays had received information -- false, as it turned out -- that Early was sending Gordon's brigade up Cemetery Hill in support, so he the line as best he could. When Gordon failed to appear, Hays went back down the hill himself and found Gordon's command posted at its old jump-off position. Returning to the brigade, Hays determined that it was time to get out and issued orders accordingly. By 10 p.m. the hard-won gains of the two courageous Southern brigades were simply ceded to the Federals.

On Early's right, Rodes' division had just cleared the town when Hays' and Avery's soldiers came tumbling down the hill. Brigadier General S.D. Ramseur's brigade was in the van, and he had been given discretionary orders by Rodes to attack if conditions were favorable. Ramseur could clearly make out the massed Federal infantry and artillery, and the fact that Early's assault had failed must have been known by him. He conferred briefly with Brig. Gen George Doles and decided not to push his brigade up the hill.

The fighting had now come to an end with the exception of the ever-present sharpshooter and the occasional shell burst.The dead and dying lay all over the hillside. Among the retreating Confederates, there was anger at the lack of support given the assaulting brigades. No one was more angry than Tate. He demanded to know why Gordon had not been sent. Early flushed but did not respond until later. His answer, given in his postaction report, which did not give due credit to the 6th North Carolina's impressive achievement, stated: "It was ascertained that no advance was made on the right and that ordering Gordon forward would have been a useless sacrifice of life."

Spangler's Spring in 1863

Tate, fearing the 6th would be slighted, sent a letter to Governor Zebulor Vance of North Carolina on July 8: "I look for no special mention of our Regiment, while it is the only one in the A.N.V. which did go in and silence the guns on the heights...but it is due to the noble dead, as well as the living that these men be noticed....Inside the works the enemy were left lying in great heaps and most all with bayonet wounds, and many with skulls broken with the breeches of our guns. We left not a living man on the hill of our enemy." Casualties for the 6th North Carolina during the Gettysburg campaign were 172 killed, wounded, and missing.

The battle on the Federal right remains the subject of endless speculation. In the end, the only way the Army of Northern Virginia could have succeeded in driving off its foes -- and this is pure conjecture -- would have been with a total commitment of both II and III Corps to an attack on the flanks at Cemetery Hill. Lee's failure was due both to a lack of "concert of action," as he would explain in his postaction report, and also to the fighting will of his resilient enemy, the Army of the Potomac.

Additional Sources: poboy1961 ieachapter282

2 posted on 03/20/2005 9:55:13 PM PST by SAMWolf (Liberal Rule #6 - Lie about the past, then try to repeat it.)
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To: All
Culp's Hill & General Greene

As did Colonel Strong Vincent's Brigade on the Union left, Brigadier General George Sears Greene's brigade of about 1,500 men would face a daunting challenge. As Major General Daniel Sickles' 3rd Corps line crumbled at the southern end of the battlefield, regiments from Union Major General Henry Slocum's 12th Corps, to which Greene belonged, were drawn from Culp's Hill and sent to the southern end of the field for support. General Greene had earlier reconnoitered the ground, expertly positioned his men, and ordered them to entrench. His foresight would serve his men well as they were repeatedly, ferociously attacked by Confederates of Major General Edward "Allegheny" Johnson's brigade which possessed almost three times the number of Northern men present on this hill. As darkness closed on the battlefield and visibility faded, so did the opportunity for the continuation of Southern attacks. General Greene's New Yorkers held against incredible odds with Colonel David Ireland and the 137th New York holding the far right as Colonel Chamberlain's 20th Maine protected the far left. General Greene's troops would be reinforced and would again hold their ground when fighting continued early morning the following day.

Statue of Major General George Sears Greene on Culp's Hill

Major General George S. Greene (his rank at war's end) is pictured pointing over the works and the hill his skill and determination helped to secure. As did the rest of his brigade, the 149th New York dug trenches and erected breastworks as ordered. A captain in the 149th would later offer a glimpse into the hell they feared this hill would become. "The pale faces, starting eye-balls, and nervous hands grasping loaded muskets, told how terrible were those moments of suspense."

In the picture of the relief, you can see some evidence of how the men in blue constructed their cover and how the works appeared. Heavy logs allowed protection for all but the head and shoulders, allowing soldiers to fire and reload in comparative safety.

Cemetery Hill & Col. Avery

The northern face of Cemetery Hill

. As a gentle spring sun nudges away the bitterness of winter, only the wind moves over the once contested northern slopes of Cemetery Hill. As the dark blanket of night covered the field on July 2, 1863, Confederate soldiers of CSA Major General Richard Ewell's Second Corp advanced towards the Union lines here, the taking of this hill as their goal. Red fire from Federal and Southern muskets flashed in the darkness as both sides fought an enemy they could barely see. As their foe gained the hill's crest, Union cannoneers fought hand to hand, using anything they could grasp to protect their guns. Despite the brief success of their bold advance, the Confederates could not hold the ground they had struggled so hard to gain. In the dark, with Union reinforcements now adding to the weight of Northern fire, Southern soldiers grudgingly backed down the hill.

Colonel Isaac E. Avery

Colonel Isaac Avery of the Sixth North Carolina was found bleeding on this field, shot through the neck as he led his Tarheels forward up the hill. Understanding the mortality of his wound, he scribbled a note which he handed to a subordinate. The note read only, "Tell my father I died with my face to the enemy."

3 posted on 03/20/2005 9:55:37 PM PST by SAMWolf (Liberal Rule #6 - Lie about the past, then try to repeat it.)
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To: All

Veterans for Constitution Restoration is a non-profit, non-partisan educational and grassroots activist organization. The primary area of concern to all VetsCoR members is that our national and local educational systems fall short in teaching students and all American citizens the history and underlying principles on which our Constitutional republic-based system of self-government was founded. VetsCoR members are also very concerned that the Federal government long ago over-stepped its limited authority as clearly specified in the United States Constitution, as well as the Founding Fathers' supporting letters, essays, and other public documents.

Actively seeking volunteers to provide this valuable service to Veterans and their families.

We here at Blue Stars For A Safe Return are working hard to honor all of our military, past and present, and their families. Inlcuding the veterans, and POW/MIA's. I feel that not enough is done to recognize the past efforts of the veterans, and remember those who have never been found.

I realized that our Veterans have no "official" seal, so we created one as part of that recognition. To see what it looks like and the Star that we have dedicated to you, the Veteran, please check out our site.

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The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul

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"The FReeper Foxhole Compiled List of Daily Threads"


4 posted on 03/20/2005 9:55:54 PM PST by SAMWolf (Liberal Rule #6 - Lie about the past, then try to repeat it.)
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To: Bombardier; Steelerfan; SafeReturn; Brad's Gramma; AZamericonnie; SZonian; soldierette; shield; ...

"FALL IN" to the FReeper Foxhole!

Good Monday Morning Everyone.

If you want to be added to our ping list, let us know.

If you'd like to drop us a note you can write to our NEW address:

Wild Bird Center
19721 Hwy 213
Oregon City, OR 97045

5 posted on 03/20/2005 10:57:16 PM PST by snippy_about_it (Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
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To: snippy_about_it

Good Night Snippy.

6 posted on 03/20/2005 11:24:52 PM PST by SAMWolf (Liberal Rule #6 - Lie about the past, then try to repeat it.)
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To: SAMWolf

I certainly accept any other Foxhole troop's opinions about Gettysburg as valid.

As I see it, this Culp's Hill battle wast the center of gravity of the whole affair. If the Confederates had been properly trained in night battle they likely would have won. (And also at Chancelorsville, as well.)

The Japanese pre-war night battle training was the best in the world before the developement of vision aids. The North Viet Namese Army were no slouches either.

7 posted on 03/21/2005 12:51:41 AM PST by Iris7 (A man said, "That's heroism." "No, that's Duty," replied Roy Benavides, Medal of Honor.)
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To: snippy_about_it
Good morning Snippy.

8 posted on 03/21/2005 2:18:34 AM PST by Aeronaut (I fly because it releases my mind from the tyranny of petty things - Saint-Exupery)
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To: snippy_about_it

Good morning, Snippy and everyone at the foxhole.

9 posted on 03/21/2005 3:01:48 AM PST by E.G.C.
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To: snippy_about_it

Good morning

10 posted on 03/21/2005 4:02:03 AM PST by GailA (Glory be to GOD and his only son Jesus.)
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To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; Professional Engineer; msdrby; Wneighbor; alfa6; PhilDragoo; ...

Good morning everyone.

11 posted on 03/21/2005 4:30:49 AM PST by Soaring Feather (IS IT SPRING YET?)
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To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; All

March 21, 2005

A Bumpy Road

Philippians 1:27-30

To you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake. -Philippians 1:29

Bible In One Year: Judges 9-12

cover When people tell me life is hard, I always reply, "Of course it is." I find that answer more satisfying than anything else I can say. Writer Charles Williams said, "The world is painful in any case; but it is quite unbearable if anybody gives us the idea that we are meant to be liking it."

The path by which God takes us often seems to lead away from what we perceive as our good, causing us to believe we've missed a turn and taken the wrong road. That's because most of us have been taught to believe that if we're on the right track God's goodness will always translate into a life free of trouble.

But that's a pipe dream far removed from the biblical perspective. God's love often leads us down roads where earthly comforts fail us. Paul said, "To you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake" (Philippians 1:29). When we come to the end of all our dark valleys, we'll understand that every circumstance has been allowed for our ultimate good.

"No other route would have been as safe and as certain as the one by which we came," Bible teacher F. B. Meyer said. "If only we could see the path as God has always seen it, we would have selected it as well." -David Roper

If some darker lot be good,
Lord, teach us to endure
The sorrow, pain, or solitude
That makes the spirit pure. -Irons

No trial would cause us to despair if we knew God's reason for allowing it.

10 Reasons To Believe In A God Who Allows Suffering

12 posted on 03/21/2005 5:24:30 AM PST by The Mayor (
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To: SAMWolf

This Day In History

Birthdates which occurred on March 21:
1474 Angela Merici Italian monastery founder/saint
1527 Hermann Finck composer
1609 Jan II Kazimierz cardinal/King of Poland (1648-68)
1685 Johann Sebastian Bach Eisenach Germany, composer
1713 Francis Lewis signed Declaration of Independence
1806 Benito Pablo Juárez Oaxaca Mexico, President of México (1858-72)
1839 Modest Mussorgsky composer (Boris Gudunov, Night on Bald Mountain)
1869 Florenz Ziegfeld producer (Ziegfield Follies)
1902 Eddie James "Son" House folk blues musician (Delta Blues)
1906 John D Rockefeller III billionaire philanthropist (oil)
1911 John Paxton screenwriter (On The Beach, Kotch, Farewell My Lovely)
1916 Harold Robbins US, novelist (The Carpetbaggers) [or 0521]
1918 Howard Cosell Winston-Salem NC, sportscaster (Monday Night Football)
1929 James Coco Bronx NY, actor (Man of La Mancha, Murder by Death)
1929 Jules Bergman space & science reporter (ABC-TV)
1934 Al Freeman Jr San Antonio TX, actor (One Life to Live, My Sweet Charlie)
1937 Tom Flores Fresno CA, NFL quarterback/coach (Raiders)
1945 Vernon Guy US gospel singer (Cool Sounds, Sharpees)
1946 Timothy Dalton Colwyn Bay Wales, actor (James Bond-Living Daylights, License to Kill)
1958 Brad Hall Santa Barbara CA, comedian (Saturday Night Live)
1962 Matthew Broderick New York NY, actor (Inspector Gadget, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, WarGames, Biloxi Blues)
1962 Rosie O'Donnell comedienne(?) (League of Their Own, Flintstones, Rosie)
1969 Jennifer Lyn Jackson Cleveland OH, playmate (April, 1989)

Deaths which occurred on March 21:
1487 Nicholas van Fluë Swiss saint/patron of Switzerland, dies
1556 Thomas Cranmer archbishop of Canterbury, burned at stake at 66
1656 Armagh James Ussher Archbishop (said world began 4004 BC), dies at 76
1921 "Big Jim" Colisimo US gangster, murdered by Al Capone
1936 Alexander Konstantinovich Glazunov composer (Chopiniana), dies at 70
1952 A J Pieters SS-Untersturmführer, executed
1958 Cyril M Kornbluth US sci-fi writer (Space Merchants), dies at 34
1985 Michael Redgrave actor (Goodbye Mr Chips, Mr Arkadin), dies at 77
1987 Robert Preston actor (Harold Hill-Music Man), diesfrom lung cancer in Montecito CA at 68
1991 Leo Fender inventor (Fender guitar), dies
1991 Rajiv Gandhi former Prime Minister of India, killed by bomb at 46
1992 John Ireland actor (Rawhide), dies of leukemia at 78
1994 Dack Rambo actor (Jack Ewing-Dallas), dies from AIDs at 52
1995 Norman Schwartz record Producer, dies at 66
2002 Herman Talmadge (88), former Georgia governor and U.S. senator died

GWOT Casualties

US 2nd Lieutenant Therrel Shane Childers Southern part Hostile - hostile fire
US Major Jay Thomas Aubin Umm Qasr (near) Hostile - helicopter crash
US Captain Ryan Anthony Beaupre Umm Qasr (near) Hostile - helicopter crash
US Corporal Brian Matthew Kennedy Umm Qasr (near) Hostile - helicopter crash
US Staff Sergeant Kendall Damon Waters-Bey Umm Qasr (near) Hostile - helicopter crash
US Lance Corporal Jose Antonio Gutierrez Southern part Hostile - friendly fire
UK Colour Sergeant John Cecil Umm Qasr (near) Hostile - helicopter crash
UK Lance Bombardier Llywelyn Karl Evans Umm Qasr (near) Hostile - helicopter crash
UK Captain Philip Stuart Guy Umm Qasr (near) Hostile - helicopter crash
UK Royal Navy Marine Sholto Hedenskog Umm Qasr (near) Hostile - helicopter crash
UK Sergeant Les Hehir Umm Qasr (near) Hostile - helicopter crash
UK Oper. Mech. 2nd Class Ian Seymour Umm Qasr (near) Hostile - helicopter crash
UK Warrant Off. 2nd Class Mark Stratford Umm Qasr (near) Hostile - helicopter crash
UK Major Jason Ward Umm Qasr (near) Hostile - helicopter crash

US Private Dustin L. Kreider Samarra Non-hostile - weapon discharge (accid.)
US Private 1st Class Christopher E. Hudson Baghdad (Abu Ghurayb) Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack


A Good Day

Data research by Pat Kneisler
Designed and maintained by Michael

On this day...
1349 3,000 Jews killed in Black Death riots in Efurt Germany
1421 Battle of Beauge-French beat British
1610 King James I addresses English House of Commons
1697 Czar Peter the Great begins tour through West-Europe
1702 Queen Anne Stuart addresses English parliament
1788 Fire destroyed 856 buildings in New Orleans LA
1791 Captain Hopley Yeaton of New Hampshire becomes 1st commissioned officer in USN
1804 French civil Code of Napoleon adopted
1824 Fire at Cairo ammunitions dump kills 4,000 horses
1843 Preacher William Miller of Massachusetts predicts the world will end today (just a little off on that one)
1844 Origin of Bahá'í Era-Bahá'í calendar starts here (Bahá 1, 1)
1851 Yosemite Valley discovered in California (right where God left it)(Dr. Bunnell, a physician, named the valley Yosemite to honor the local Indians. He did not realize that the word “yohemeti” meant “some of them are killers” and was an insult against the valley people.)
1857 Earthquake hits Tokyo; about 107,000 die
1863 Naval Engagement at Havana Cuba-USS Henrick Hudson vs BR Wild Pigeon
1864 Battle at Henderson's Hill (Bayou Rapids) Louisiana
1865 Battle of Bentonville ends, last Confederate effort to stop Sherman
1866 Congress authorizes national soldiers' homes
1868 1st US professional women's club, Sorosis, is founded in New York NY
1871 Journalist Henry M Stanley begins his famous expedition to Africa
1890 Austrian Jewish communities are defined by law
1891 A Hatfield marries a McCoy, ends long feud in West Virginia; it started with an accusation of pig-stealing & lasted 20 years
1907 US invades Honduras
1909 Moran & MacFarland (US) win Europe's 1st 6 day bicycle race (Berlin)
1913 Flood in Ohio, kills 400
1917 1st female US Navy Petty Officer is Loretta Walsh
1918 Germany launches Somme offensive
1923 US foreign minister Charles Hughes refuses USSR recognition
1924 Mass Investors Trust becomes 1st mutual fund set up in US
1934 Fire destroys Hakodate Japan, killing about 1,500
1935 Persia officially renamed Iran
1937 Ponce massacre, police kill 19 at Puerto Rican Nationalist parade
1939 Nazi-Germany demands Gdansk (Danzig) from Poland
1941 Joe Louis KOs Abe Simon in 13 for heavyweight boxing title
1942 Convoy QP9 departs Great Britain to Murmansk
1942 Heavy German assault on Malta
1943 Assassination attempt on Hitler fails
1943 British 8th army opens assault on Mareth line, Tunisia
1945 1st Japanese flying bombs (ochas) attack Okinawa
1945 During WWII Allied bombers begin 4-day raid over Germany
1945 Dutch Resistance fighter Hannie Schaft arrested by Nazi police
1946 Kenny Washington signs with Rams, 1st black NFLer since 1933
1946 UN set up temporary HQ at Hunter (now Lehman) College (Bronx)
1947 Pope Pius XII publishes encyclical Fulgens radiatur
1947 President Truman signs Executive Order 9835 requiring all federal employees to have allegiance to the United States
1951 2,900,000 US soldiers in Korea

1952 Alan Freed presents Moondog Coronation Ball at old Cleveland Arena, 25,000 attend 1st rock & roll concert ever

1952 Tornadoes in Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama & Kentucky cause 343 deaths
1953 NBA record 106 fouls & 12 players foul out (Boston-Syracuse)
1955 Brooklyn Bulletin asks Dodger fans not to call their team "Bums"
1960 Sharpeville Massacre: Police kill 72 in South Africa & outlaws ANC
1961 Art Modell purchases Cleveland Browns for then record ($3,925,000)
1961 Beatles' 1st appearance at the Cavern Club
1962 A bear becomes the 1st creature to be ejected at supersonic speeds
1962 Dutch Roman Catholic bishop Beckers of Bosch makes TV speech in Netherlands in favor of birth control
1963 Alcatraz federal penitentiary in San Francisco Bay closed
1965 Martin Luther King Jr begins march from Selma to Montgomery AL
1965 US Ranger 9 launched; takes 5,814 pictures before lunar impact
1966 Supreme Court reverses Massachusetts ruling that "Fanny Hill" is obscene
1968 Israeli forces cross Jordan River to attack PLO bases
1968 Portuguese socialist Mario Soares banished to Sao Tomé
1969 John & Yoko stage their 1st bed-in for peace (Amsterdam Hilton)
1972 US Supreme Court rules states can't require 1-year residency to vote
1975 Ethiopia ends monarchy after 3000 years
1979 Egyptian Parliament unanimously approve peace treaty with Israel
1980 On TV show Dallas, JR is shot
1983 Only known typo on Time Magazine cover (control=contol), all recalled
1984 Soviet sub crashes into USS aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk off Japan
1985 Arthur Ashe is named to International Tennis Hall of Fame
1990 Namibia becomes independent of South Africa, Sam Nujoma becomes president
1991 27 lost at sea when 2 US Navy anti-submarine planes collide
1991 Largest wrestling crowd in Japan (64,500) at Tokyo Dome
1991 UN Security Council panel decided to lift the food embargo on Iraq
1993 Pope John Paul II declares Duns Scotus, a saint
1994 Watne Gretzky ties Gordie Howe's NHL record of 801 goals
2000 Pope John Paul II began the first official visit by a Roman Catholic pontiff to Israel.
2001 Space shuttle Discovery glided to a predawn touchdown, bringing home the first residents of the international space station.
2001 The U.S. ordered 51 Russian diplomats to leave, in retaliation for Russia's use of an FBI spy, Robert Hanssen.
2003 A young man from LA visiting Las Vegas hit pay dirt, a world record $39 million on a slot machine

Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"

Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq : Nawroz (Persian New Year)
Iowa : Bird Day
Ohio : Buzzards Day. The day the buzzards return to Hinckley, Ohio
México : Benito P Juarez' Birthday (1806)
Namibia : Independence Day (1990)
US : National Agriculture Day (1981)
World : Earth Day (most years)
World : International Day For Elimination of Racial Discrimination
US : National Teenage Week (Day 2)
US : Master Gardener Day
US Chocolate Week (Day 2)
US : National Free Paper Week Begins
US : Memory Day. in commeration of...ah...I'll get back to you on this
National Pothole Month

Religious Observances
Bahá'í : Feast of Naw-Rúz (New Year) (Bahá 1) [year=Gregorian-1843]
Persian-Afghánistán, Iran, Iraq : Nawroz (New Year)
Wicca : Alban Eilir sabbat
Roman Catholic : Commemoration of St Benedict, abbot
Roman Catholic : Commemoration of Nicholas von Flüe
Anglican : Commemoration of Thomas Ken, bishop of Bath & Wells
Moslem : Night of Power (Ramadân 27, 1413 AH)

Religious History
1098 The monastery in Citeaux, France was founded by St. Robert, a Benedictine monk and abbot of Molesme. It marked the beginning of the Roman Catholic Cistercian religious order.
1146 King Louis VII of France took up the cause of the Second Crusade, in response to Bernard of Clairvaux's preaching, and became leader of the ill-fated mission.
1747 [N.S.] On a slave ship bound for England, during a violent storm at sea, English sea captain John Newton, 22, was dramatically converted to a living faith. It was more than a "foxhole religion," as Newton soon abandoned the sea, and from 1764 until his death (43 years later), he devoted his life as a clergyman in the Anglican Church.
1900 In Chicago, following the death of its founder Dwight L. Moody, the Bible Institute for Home and Foreign Missions changed its name to Moody Bible Institute. The school has since become the model after which other learning institutions have patterned their curriculum.
1985 The Association of International Mission Services was founded in Dallas. A trans-denominational organization, AIMS promotes the work of foreign missions among independent Pentecostal and charismatic churches.

Source: William D. Blake. ALMANAC OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1987.

Thought for the day :
"Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message."

13 posted on 03/21/2005 5:31:49 AM PST by Valin (DARE to be average!)
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To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; All
Update Bump on the latest Weekend Home Improvement project at the alfa6 residence.

Saturday we were able to finish the demo work and make 2 runs to the sanitary landfill. It was free dump day, that saved more than a few bucks :-) We were also able to get most of the framing done, I made an alcove in the wall between the two rooms and sistered up 16' 2x8s to the existing 2x4 ceiling joists and got the plywood up on the joists.

Sunday we were able to get the power feeds up from the basement to the two rooms, got about half of the wire pulled for the new outlets and lights. I got all but one small piece of the floor installed in the attic. Now I have an attic floor that you can walk on without feeling like you were on a trampoline, yea.

Today I need to finish up the framing for the new door, pull the rest of the wiring in the walls and get the feeds in the basement over to the panel. Also I hope to start putting up the insulation this afternoon.

Looks like another 4 Dr. Pepper day for me.

In the better later than never Deptartment here is pic regards the Irish Brigade.
Don Trionia's The Irish Brigade at Marye's Heights

Here's hoping everybody has a wonderfull day


alfa6 :>}

14 posted on 03/21/2005 5:39:43 AM PST by alfa6 (BOOM)
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To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; sauropod; staytrue; Angelwood; kristinn; tgslTakoma
"Should Bill Clinton be Immune from Prosecution?!!"

From another thread, a discussion about whether or not America should hold Bill Clinton accountable for the multiple felonies he and his Administration have committed...

bayourod in bold

"...focus only on the question of whether Bill Clinton should be brought to trial. This was the great question when Nixon resigned and Ford pardoned him because he didn't think the nation should be put through the ordeal of a trial of Mr. Nixon."

First off, Nixon was never accused of committing a criminal offense vis a vis Watergate. Ford pardoned him, but there was never an actual law broken...I would argue that Clinton has committed multiple felonies that, if prosecuted, would have him in jail until the day he passed on to his Final Judgement.

"Some of the considerations should be:
1. How serious was the offense? Was it a technical violation such as comingling union contributions in hard money accounts; or was it a universally recognized crime such as murder of a potential witness?"

While I seriously believe Clinton has most likely conspired to have folks murdered, I've yet to see the concrete evidence; still, just because he's an ex-POTUS, should he be allowed to get away with rampant Abuse of Power, blatant Obstruction of Justice and Perjury, and making a mockery of our existing Campaign Finance Laws? I say no.

"2. What was the impact of the crime on the nation? Was the impact negligible like pardoning someone for going AWOL during World War II; or does the crime threaten the very existence of the country, such as selling China the secrets enabling them to destroy every major city in the nation?"

As the highest-ranking member of the Executive Branch, IMHO Clinton's crimes have done major damage to the legitimacy of our government, and thereby the "very existence of the country." How can a blatant abuser of our laws be allowed to go absolutely unpunished in a Land that claims that NO MAN IS ABOVE THE LAW?! Explain that to the teenager imprisoned for smoking a weed in his basement.

"3. How strong is the evidence? Is it circumstantial, relying on the testimony of dubious witnesses; or is there incontrovertable physical evidence such as video recordings and records written in Bill's hand?"

The arrogance Clinton has displayed in committing multiple felonies has resulted in a carelessness that will bear fruit in any SERIOUS investigation of his crimes. There are many, many people within his sphere of influence who know where the skeletons are buried, and they have likewise committed crimes in his service. As these underlings are brought to Justice and plead out, they will provide valuable testimony linking Clinton to any number of crimes that you and I may never even been aware of. And Clinton has been extremely sloppy in leaving documented proof of his guilt to be readily discovered by hungry investigators.

"4. Was the offense committed as an official act, such as selling seats on trade missions, or was it entirely separate from official duties, such as rape?"

SHEEESH, my FRiend, I cannot believe you actually believe this is a consideration. We are a Nation of Laws, and if those laws are legitimate enough to prosecute you or me for, why not some hayseed from Arkansas?

"5. Would prosecution cause bitter division among Americans because the offense is one that people hold strongly held opposite opinions on, such as lying about having sex because that's what gentlemen are taught to do; or one that everyone is in agreement on, such as using FBI files to blackmail elected officials?"

Once again, if folks are going to argue that the Laws are invalid, how come we don't see an uprising calling for said laws to be revoked, so that you and I cannot be held accountable for them, just like the ex-Most Powerful Man in the FReeWorld?!

"6. How would prosecution effect future policy. Would it create a public outcry for campaign finance reform that would result in destruction of our First Amendment rights and turn the government over to liberal Democrats? Would it appear to Democrat voters as petty vindictiveness on the part of Republicans that would result in such a backlash that Democrat Senators would be forced to reject confirmation of pro-life judges?"

Here, my FRiend, you are arguing political strategy. Fair enough, as that seems to be most FReepers' argument against holding the ex-First Felon accountable for his many crimes against this Nation. My response is that this is a very important time in our Country's history, as we are deciding whether or not We the Sheeple will sit idly by and allow Rampant Corruption to go on at the highest echelons of the Federal Guv'ment, and do absolutely NOTHING!! SHEEESH...Clinton's not a frickin' KING...he's no different than you or I!! Are LeftWing DemocRATS going to actually argue that a corrupt ex-POTUS should be allowed to get away with committing multiple felonies? If so, are the Sheeple going to go along meekly and support those same hopelessly-corrupt individuals in the next election? If so, we've already lost this Country, and we should readily expect to go the way of the once-great Roman Empire.

"Now to answer your question. I believe we elected a President who is of extremely high moral character who loves this country and is trying as hard as he can to do what he sincerely believes is best for our nation. I believe that he chose an honest, conscientious, competent Attorney General. I have complete confidence in their judgment and will support whatever decisions that they make."

Here, my FRiend, we are in complete agreement...however, I believe Dubyuh and Ashcroft need to hear from folks who "sincerely believe [what] is best for our nation" is that the Guilty--no matter how Powerful or allegedly popular--are brought to Justice!! Are we a Nation of Laws? Or are certain folks in this Country ABOVE the Laws that govern and restrict the rest of us?

As for J.W., may question their motivation as you see fit, but at least they seem to be trying to do something about the Injustice that is the Clinton Administration. That's more than I seem to be seeing from the Department of Justice these days.

Seriously, my fellow FReepers, am I just a Right-Wing Whacko for expecting the Laws of this Nation to apply to ALL Americans...even those who once held office at the highest echelons of our Federal Guv'ment?!

FReegards...MUD (07/14/2001)

15 posted on 03/21/2005 6:24:10 AM PST by Mudboy Slim (Liberty and Equal Justice fer ALL!!)
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To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; All

Good day one and all! Hope everyone had a nice weekend.
Doing fine out here in the sometimes sunny SoCal.


16 posted on 03/21/2005 6:32:37 AM PST by SZonian (Tagline???? I don't need no stinkin' tagline!)
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To: snippy_about_it; bentfeather; Samwise; msdrby; Wneighbor
Good morning ladies. Flag-o-Gram.

Wounded vets share the turf; Medal winners are honored at the All-American Bowl.

The U.S. Army All-American Bowl is a showcase for some of the country's most talented young football players, but the game's sponsor made sure that other uniform-clad heroes received their due.

A half-dozen Medal of Honor winners who served in either World War II or Vietnam were recognized in the Alamodome before kickoff, along with 42 soldiers who received either the Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star, Bronze Star or Purple Heart for their service in Iraq.

Spc. Joshua Miller, a 20-year-old from Erie, Penn., who won the Silver Star after rescuing his sergeant and leading other troops out of an ambush by insurgents, said he was honored to participate in the coin toss just before the start of the game.

"It's a big event. It's crazy," said Miller, who has watched the game before on TV. "But I never thought I'd be here."

Timothy Tabellija, a specialist from Auburn, Calif., was awarded the Purple Heart. A rocket-propelled grenade blasted inside his Stryker armored vehicle, leaving him with a concussion. Shrapnel also penetrated his arm.

Tabellija said he was excited to watch the game with other award-winning soldiers.

"This is awesome. You see all these soldiers from all different units and different jobs, but one way or another we all come together. You know it's the Army of one. Everybody works together. Everybody pulls their own weight. That's why the U.S. military is No. 1 in the world," he said.

Capt. Rachel Honderd won the Bronze Star for her role in leading a 25-member engineering platoon that helped clear a safe path for combat troops as they advanced through Iraq.

"While this is a big honor for me, I represent so many more soldiers - every soldier that worked with me," she said.

Staff Sgt. Ron Gallegos of Espanola, N.M., won the Purple Heart after a transport vehicle he was riding in hit a roadside bomb.

Gallegos said he tore his rotator cuff and lost much of his hearing in his right ear. Despite the injuries, he is considering volunteering to go back to Iraq as an Army civil affairs representative.

Gallegos said he especially enjoyed a dinner Friday evening at the Convention Center in which all the medal winners were honored.

"I've never been to a ceremony with all the high brass," he said.

Col. Thomas Nickerson, director of strategic outreach for the U.S. Army Accessions Command in Fort Monroe, Va., said this was the fourth such game the Army has sponsored.

"It is an opportunity for the American people to show their support for the American soldier, and it also keeps in the public's mind that we have soldiers serving on point for America all around the world," Nickerson said.

You might be a hero if...size

17 posted on 03/21/2005 6:45:52 AM PST by Professional Engineer (My baby girl has the strongest little finger known to man.)
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To: Professional Engineer; msdrby; snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; Samwise; bentfeather

Morning everybody.

Made it back home yesterday. Long drive but my 19 year old daughter drove me back. We brought a 16 foot trailor so I can start moving in anticipation of my job contract ending in 8 weeks. Lots o' work to do here!

18 posted on 03/21/2005 7:08:37 AM PST by Wneighbor
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To: Iris7

Morning Iris7.

IMHO Culp's Hill and Cemetery Hill were more important positions for out flanking the Union line than the Round Tops. The terrain was easier for troops to move upon and getting cannon on them would have been a lot easier than either of the Round Tops. There were also more troops nearby, the Round Tops were "out of the way" of the main Confederate troop concentrations.

19 posted on 03/21/2005 7:14:21 AM PST by SAMWolf (Liberal Rule #6 - Lie about the past, then try to repeat it.)
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To: Aeronaut

Morning Aeronaut.

20 posted on 03/21/2005 7:14:38 AM PST by SAMWolf (Liberal Rule #6 - Lie about the past, then try to repeat it.)
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