Read: Isaiah 40:25-31
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. Isaiah 40:31
Bible In One Year: Psalms 94-96; Romans 15:14-33
In the book Geeks and Geezers, authors Warren Bennis and Robert Thomas present a fascinating look at "how era, values, and defining moments shape leaders" of two very different generationsthe geeks (those 21-35) and the geezers (those over 70).
One of their findings is that among the older group of "geezers," every person who was able to continue to play a leadership role retained the qualities of curiosity, playfulness, eagerness, fearlessness, warmth, and energy. Instead of being defeated by time and age, they were "open, willing to take risks, hungry for knowledge and experience, courageous, eager to see what the new day brings."
That's a great attitude to have, but how can a Christian get it and keep it? The Bible says that our strength comes from a trusting relationship with God: "Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31).
Our minds more than our bodies cause us to lose heart and give up. The young are not immune, because "even the youths shall faint and be weary" (v.30). God gives power to young and old who place their hope in Him. He stirs our spirits to run, walk, and soar for Him. David McCasland
Morning Mayor.
I'm close to being a geek and not old enough to be a geezer. ;-)
Good morning Mayor. It's a constant battle between my "young" mind and my aging bones. ;-)