This didn’t start in Obama’s America, it’s been going on for years.
There’s a fine book on Amazon that was written by one of our fellow FReepers and I read it and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in protecting our hard-won liberties from the armed gang that used to ‘serve and protect’.
I’ll check it out on Kindle. But I know some LEOs and they would be as appalled as we are hearing of this incident. It just seems these incidents have increased exponentially over the last few years, the ‘broken window syndrome’/disrespect for law breeds disrespect, and so forth.
Rise of the Warrior Cop, will do.
This didnt start in Obamas America, its been going on for years.
People need to quit voting on the police mentality turds to run the government, the x prosecuting lawyers, x cops x police chiefs, x judges and every other x public servant creep that comes along.
Vote for people with out that Hitler mentality.