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To: daniel885

“Oh, I see... “conservatives” don’t have to justify their favorite government programs constitutionally... only the liberals. Suddenly when someone asks where in the Constitution Congress is authorized to enact drug regulations, “conservatives” don’t care about the Constitution.”

I reject your premise.

To state that state or federal drug laws are unconstitutional is abject ignorance. The Constitution is not a set of codes or laws, it is the framwork for our Government.

Let’s see...federal drug law was initiated in the mid to late 30’s and it has never been credibly challenged. I don’t know when state drug laws were set up, but it is obviously much earlier than federal laws. There have been no credible challenge to state drug laws either....ever.

Asking a non-relevant question is not reasoning. Asking where in the Constitution Drug laws are justified is like asking, “what part of the Constitution authorizes Stop Signs?”

The real question is what state or federal codes are unconstitutional? Please answer this. Why have these laws not been challenged Constitutionally?

Epic fail. You guys give a third grade interpretation of the Constitution and sit back and ignore the reality of the long existence of these drug laws and the lack of constitutional challenges that merit serious review, let alone toppling these laws.

121 posted on 04/08/2010 7:40:08 PM PDT by rbmillerjr (Let hot tar wash their throats and may it flow freely.)
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To: rbmillerjr

Okay. You still haven’t provided where in the Constitution Congress is authorized to regulate drug laws. Article I, Section 8 lays out specific enumerated powers. The tenth amendment reinforces my position even more. The founders intended Congress to have only those limited powers. This exceeds it.

I will agree that the Supreme Court since the New Deal has re-interpreted much of the Constitutional restrictions in an expansionist view. However, is it your position that Conservatives are now arguing FOR expansive government powers on the federal level that go beyond the STRICT CONSTRUCTIONIST view of the constitution that they give lip service to? If not, then please provide the authorizing clause of the constitution. If you cannot do that, then you are simply arguing for a “living breathing” Constitution that liberals champion that is a disgrace to our founders.

125 posted on 04/09/2010 4:39:27 AM PDT by daniel885
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