NO! You will have no vote in 2010 or 2012 when ACORN/SEIU/CAIR run our elections. Obama wins and you speak up - you get Joe the Plumber police state treatment.
We elect McCain then we start kicking the asses of RINOs and tell them to start acting like Conservatives or we will vote them out. We start beating on RINOs like a “red headed step child” or a “rented mule.” Note I am not abdicating child or animal abuse. I am for RINO abuse.
I think we may get the House back. If we do we also get to the bottom of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
McCain should get on the stump and say - “we are going to get answers on Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac and people are going to be indicted if they broke the law.”
Which is precisely what's been said since first electing the nebbish Poppy Bush...and how has that worked out for you?