To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
"Might as well let the Paultards start plastering Ted Rall cartoons all over the place, while we're at it." Tell me, it wouldn't surprise you if they did would it?
Just try and do a parody of a Paultard and you will find that you wasted your precious time doing so only to be one-up'd by this bunch.
50 posted on
11/14/2007 8:11:45 AM PST by
(Ron Paul - The Idiot's Idiot)
To: lormand; KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
Just try and do a parody of a Paultard and you will find that you wasted your precious time doing so only to be one-up'd by this bunch.From what I've seen, nothing will get done. These Paultards pretty much can do whatever they want...
98 posted on
11/14/2007 10:52:35 AM PST by
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