The worst Robertson has done here is to engage in some hyperbole about the extent of Christian persecution and rehash unprovable conspiracy theories advocated by some unsavory characters in the past. Most of his statements, such as male headship of the home, salvation exclusively through faith in Jesus Christ, and condemnation of homosexuality, are entirely Biblical Christian beliefs on which Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox agree. His condemnation of the homosexual agenda and their uncivil tactics, denunciation of feminism, rejection of the modern liberal doctrine of separation of religion and government, and recognition of the perverted sexuality of the Nazi leaders are accurate and truthful.
Giuliani is my least favorite GOP Presidential candidate, and my Christian beliefs are different in some respects from those of Robertson, and his political views are too statist for my tastes. However, these anti-Giuliani and anti-Robertson attacks are as "over the top" as are the screeds the anti-Ron Paul crowd posts.