Intestinal fortitude is displayed in combat or even in office supporting those who are in combat (and necessarily their mission). Posturing by sponsoring a bill to abolish the concededly unconstitutioal Federal Tea-Tasting Board or that little WWI era bureaucracy that meets (at great expense) once a year to judge the suitability of various wools for military uniforms or what not is NOT a profile in courage. Declarations of war, however titled, are Congress's constitutional way of telling the president: "The light is has become green. Go get 'em!" NOT "check back with us next month after the newest polls are published." We are not reverting to the British parliamentary system of gelded leaders and wars micromanaged by mouthy and often antiAmerican legislators (Paul, Cuckoocinich, Weepy Walter Jones, Nancy Facelift, et al.) who want to micromanage wars in an anarchy reminiscent of the old Keystone Cops.
Dont waste your breath trying to enlighten the traitorous pauls defenders. This buffoon will continue to vote with the rats and Blame America