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To: SJackson
You're not telling the truth. Frequently that works, but you'd be surprised some people go back and read the posts.

I am perfectly content to have everyone go back and read your posts, all the work and typing you put into them, then look at my post and draw their own conclusions about who is being honest.

Your posts on this thread are a disgrace.
118 posted on 07/20/2007 7:06:53 PM PDT by George W. Bush (Rudy: tough on terror, scared of Iowa)
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To: George W. Bush

What’s the “other agenda” to which you so coyly alluded, back in #108? Man up. Make with the specifics.

123 posted on 07/20/2007 7:09:34 PM PDT by KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle ("Proudly keeping one iron boot on the necks of libertarian faux 'conservatives' since 1958!")
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To: George W. Bush
I am perfectly content to have everyone go back and read your posts, all the work and typing you put into them, then look at my post and draw their own conclusions about who is being honest.

As you'll note from post 291, what they'll conclude is that Ron Paul writes a column for the American Free Press. For simplicity, my posts below.

Posted by SJackson to KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
News/Activism 07/20/2007 7:45:38 PM CDT · 61 of 489

Sounds like the article focuses on his supporters, not Paul, and it's fair to say he's got his share of wackos there. Even wackos support candidates, and you've been on FR long enough to know no one would criticize a candidate based on support from, say, Cindy Sheehan or Alec Baldwin or Michale Moore. :>)

A tad more concerning than the JBS or his regular guesting on conspiracy shows, another freeper pointed out to me that he apparently writes a column for the American Free Press. For those not familiar with it that's Willis Cartos lightweight companion to the Barnes Review, a full fledged Holocaust denial publication. AFP founded by Willis Carto after the Spotlight and Liberty Lobby went belly up. Carto also known for morphing youth for Wallace into the National Alliance over the years, a group he lost control of to William Pierce.

I haven't had time to look for what I'm told is a weekly commentary, I don't have easy access to the print version and saw only one Ron Paul article on their website (one too many), but if he's writing for Willis Carto, for distribution to the Barnes/National Alliance/IHR cadre of racists and Jew haters, obviously to gain their support, imo he's disqualified for public office and should be admonished by the Republican Party.

I'd be curious if anyone could shed some light on his participation at American Free Press.


Posted by SJackson to jrooney; Puddleglum; lormand
On News/Activism 07/20/2007 8:31:26 PM CDT · 90 of 489

Yes, I saw that, wikipedia contends he writes a weekly column as well, but I wouldn't rely on wikipedia, they're known to be wrong, and have a bias.

A quick search turned up a half dozen or so links for a "by Ron Paul", below in case someone wants to check other search engines, but the archives don't seem to be working, so I can't see if they're in fact by Paul. The weekly column I just don't know about other than references on Wiki and a few other places.

Puddleglum, you seem to be skeptical, as you should be. I am, and thus far the association may be only tangental. Though from a political perspective even if only 6 columns were printed, an elected official who allows that is a moron.

Do I take it from your tone that you're not convinced of the connection, it's not definitive to me. But if he is regularly printed there, which requires his participation, do you agree that it's a despicable thing to do, and a virtual disqualifier to most people to public office?

Bureaucratic Busybodies Imperil Your Right to Medical Privacy Imagine a petty bureaucrat or your next ...
... by Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) that would insure your privacy; ... Bureaucratic Busybodies I.htm •  Tuesday, 17 September 2002, 2:13pm GMT •  9k
Proposed Military Tribunals Put U.S.
The Anerican Free Press is one of the leading Populist newspapers in the United States.
... By Rep. Ron Paul Suddenly the fix for terrorism seems to be ... •  Wednesday, 12 March 2003, 6:34pm GMT •  16.7k
UN Conflicts Highlight Anti-American Agenda
PLEASE NOTE The AFP Site is still under construction. Many of the sections above are not yet active. ...
... By Rep. Ron Paul Most liberty-minded Americans already know ... •  Sunday, 16 September 2001, 7:18pm GMT •  10.4k
Expanding NATO Is a Bad Idea
The Anerican Free Press is one of the leading Populist newspapers in the United States.
... billions. By Rep. Ron Paul America's Founding Fathers, having ... •  Wednesday, 12 March 2003, 6:23pm GMT •  16.4k
Real Meaning of First Amendment Lost, Distorted
Real Meaning of First Amendment Lost, Distorted The recent court ruling that the Pledge of Allegiance ...
... freedom. By Rep. Ron Paul The entire nation seemed to condemn last ... Meaning of First Amendm.htm •  Wednesday, 22 January 2003, 5:00pm GMT •  5.5k
  1. Real Meaning of First Amendment Lost, Distorted
    Real Meaning of First Amendment Lost, Distorted The recent court ruling that the Pledge of Allegiance ...
    ... freedom. By Rep. Ron Paul The entire nation seemed to condemn last ... Meaning of First Amendm.htm •  Wednesday, 22 January 2003, 5:00pm GMT •  5.5k

  2. UN Conflicts Highlight Anti-American Agenda
    The Anerican Free Press is one of the leading Populist newspapers in the United States.
    ... By Rep. Ron Paul M ost liberty-minded Americans already ... •  Wednesday, 12 March 2003, 6:25pm GMT •  16k

AM, apologies for the links, but they seem appropriate.


Posted by SJackson to KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
On News/Activism 07/20/2007 8:39:21 PM CDT · 96 of 489

Don't you love it, premier purveyor of hate, it's just some odd theories.

Puddleglum, if you really don't know about AFP or the Barnes Review or Spotlight or the Institute for Historical Review or the National Alliance or Willis Carto or William Pierce or the former National Youth Alliance or the recent version of the Populist Party, you should learn before you embarass yourself by defending these people by dismissing them as simply having "odd theories".


Posted by SJackson to lormand
On News/Activism 07/20/2007 8:40:40 PM CDT · 98 of 489

When you lie with dogs, you get fleas.

That works for you and I. For a Presidential candidate, the fleas become cabinet members, a far more serious issue.


----------------------------Note my post 61. If true, and I'd like to find out if it is, Stormfront would be more appropriate. Can you prove any of this? Can you produce any of these weekly articles for a Nazi publication?

Absolutely not, I don't trust wikipedia or blogs, and I don't have access to the paper version. I noted that above if you'd bothered to read. In fact I provided some non functioning links in case anyone has time to check archives.

Since you refer to AFP as a Nazi publication, it's really more of an introductory piece, I assume you agree he has no business writing there.

Gee, "another freeper" did that, eh? I don't suppose you could tell us who?

If you want ot call me a liar, grow a set, beating around the bush is cowardly.

But you got in a nice accusation, weighted with plenty of background and some Ron-Paul-sure-seems-like-a-Nazi innuendo but with sufficient room to disavow it later. Nice work.

Again, read the posts. I've questioned the sources, like Wikipedia, which many Freepers rely on as fact.

You're not telling the truth. Frequently that works, but you'd be surprised some people go back and read the posts.

And yes, for his white supremecist/Christian Identity supporters, and it's not his fault he has them, Stormfront would be a better venue than DU for posting

And enjoy posting your banner.




BTW bozo, you need to clarify this "another agenda" stuff if you have the courage.

And you put the death camp stuff where the sun don't shine, as I've noted before the fixation by a few of the Paul supporters here on Jews, the Holocaust and Israel is a bit odd.


492 posted on 07/22/2007 7:16:22 AM PDT by SJackson (isolationism never was, never will be acceptable response to[expansionist] tyrannical governments)
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