“First, theres all your vice laws.”
Like what? I haven’t been arrested for a vice law yet. Still waiting...
“Then, theres your war on some drugs.”
Freedom of drugs? Perhaps we can be like China, around the 1700’s and have a 1/3 of our population addicted to opium.
This is common-sense. Weed maybe the most benign of them, but the rest aren’t exactly commercial benefits to society. And since our society doesn’t live on a completely free basis (on so many levels), we’re forced to support these drug-head morons....
So no.
“Then, theres your online gambling ban.”
This is done over economic reasons, not really social. Vegas still needs to make money. If it was pure social reason, gambling would be completely banned.
“Social conservatives are not on the side of individual liberty. If they were, thered be no need for a libertarian party, and half the liberals would come over. But there is, and they dont. You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.”
With every idea there needs to be counter-vailing views. I don’t fear the ‘social coservatives’. That’s just silly. Maybe because I’m not living a drug infested life w/gambling problems.
If that’s the epitome of social freedom, count me out. I’m a moderate libertarian conservative. I’m not fighting for idealogy....common sense will due.
“If thats the epitome of social freedom, count me out.’
Then you admit social freedom is what you think it is. Thanks for proving my point.
What is it about libertarians that makes your think you are one?