Same sex marriage
Open borders
legalized cocaine
-- Gay Marriage -- Funny, it was my impression that in a free country, no one should be able to have any say in the private, religious contracts or associations between consenting adults. How do you conservatives get away with calling yourselves in favor of "smaller, less intrusive government" when your stated position is to require people who love each other to bow and beg before the mighty alter of government for its approval to get married?
-- Open Borders -- This is a concern of a Bush supporter ?!? It may surprise you to learn that Michael Badnarik suggested abolishing the Border Patrol and replacing it with the branch of government that is actually responsible for the protection of our borders - the military. What a concept. Think your buddy George will propose anything like that? I don't think so, that would have severely limited his ability to purchase more hispanic votes, don't you think?
-- Cocaine -- Here we go again with that concept of freedom that conservatives find so troublesome when the topic shifts to drugs. Do you own your body? If so, how is it that the government gets to decide what substances it will allow you to put into your body? Are you a sovereign individual? Or are you a slave to the state? Because when the government prohibits you from injesting substances it doesn't like, essentially they are telling you that you are tampering with government property. How does it feel to be property, owned and controlled by the government?
See, it's the ever increasing number of asterisks that conservatives put behind the word 'liberty' that I have a problem with. That's why I vote Libertarian.
That's why Libertarians only get about 0.3 percent of the vote and decreasing.
Uh, you didn't read it all. Badnarik proposes unlimited immigration "subject only to brief vetting to ensure that they are not terrorists" How would that "severly limit" George's Hispanic votes ...
Some see it as freedom not to be attacked by cocaine addicts.