Wouldn’t bother me as long as they did a four minute segment on Black liberation theology when Barack was running.
I’m sure they didn’t.
The religion du jour is Mormon
Tomorrow it will be Christians as a whole.
The media won’t touch Muslim with a ten foot pole but will attack Mormons and will, can and have attacked Christianity (you know - all those anti-gays are Christians, etc.)
The Media is Atheist as much as they are Liberals
Stop watching the Atheist balls bouncing- it’s dog-like behavior.
Keep your eye on THE ball - Be the Master
Romney/Ryan 2012
The local libtard TV news (out of Madison,WI) started in on this last night.
I turned it off.
The news here is only good for the weather segment. The rest is all libs all the time.
At least on this visit I was able to see and hear the video without all that distortion.
The real reason for all that secrecy is that much of Mormonism is based on Freemasonry.
For an Orthodox view of Mormonism, see:
Note especially that the Church was NOT lost!!!! It lives in unbroken continuity with the Apostles in the Orthodox Church, where miracles and martyrdom still occur. And millions of ordinary Orthodox faithful experience God directly in the Divine Liturgy every Sunday, rather than just hearing about Him.
Mormonism IS weird and heretical. But islam is the ENEMY, and obama has been helping it to take over, both here and abroad!!!! The choice is clear. Vote Romney.