God doesn't want you to kill ANY babies you fool.
Pro-Life Ping
yikes! They should be ashamed.
These people are NOT Christians.
I had no idea Satan was so well-represented in church.
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Words fail me.
Anyone know, are these Baptists Baptists? The others, sadly, don’t surprise me, they’re just more of what we’re getting used to seeing, cardboard cutouts pretending to be something they aren’t. But Baptists? When they go over to the dark side, I’m getting scared.
These are not “mainline” church denominations. They are extreme leftist churches.
I knew that when an oddball guy from school became a minister at a “Brethren” church only AFTER he got divorced that that church was one bizarre place.
God made a mistake when he placed that child in your belly, so it is perfectly acceptable for you to kill it. ELCA
My God doesnt make mistakes.
Bunch of Godless heathens. I truly despise those who advocate abortion, and the fact that these bastards would stand as leaders of churches makes my blood boil. I truly hope they rot in hell for this.
how inexpressibly tragic.
Here’s a quiz: of the denominations that endorsed this (and I wonder how much that endorsement was just the product of a few loud and allegedly representative leftists), how many have clamored for female and/or homosexual senior leadership?
***The letter calls abortion a morally justifiable decision and opposed any amendments to the House and Senate bills, which current contain massive abortion funding, to strike that taxpayer-financing.
Already, federal policy unfairly prevents low-income women and federal employees from receiving subsidized [abortions],” Rev. Debra W. Haffner, executive director of the Religious Institute complained.
The letter added that she doesn’t want more abortion funding bans in place and complained that additional “restrictions” on abortion funding constitute a “serious moral injustice.
The denominations endorsing the letter include the American Baptist Churches, Church of the Brethren, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), United Church of Christ, and the United Methodist Church, and others.
“We affirm women as moral agents who have the capacity, right and responsibility to make the decision as to whether or not abortion is justified in their specific circumstances,” the letter says.
The Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, Unitarian Universalist Association, and United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism also endorsed the pro-abortion letter.
The Religious Institute claims to represent 4,800 clergy and 40 Christian denominations.
Some of the signers to the letter include: Fr. Dr. Luis Barrios, Chair of Latin American and Latina/o Studies, John Jay College of Criminal Justice - CUNY; Rabbi Dan Ehrenkrantz, President, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College; Rev. Dr. Yvette Flunder, Bishop, The Fellowship; The Rev. Dr. Paula Gravelle, Chair, Clergy Action Board; and Rev. Dr. Larry Greenfield, Executive Minister, American Baptist Churches of Metro Chicago.
They also include Rabbi Peter Knobel, Former President, Central Conference of American Rabbis; Rev. Dr. Pamela Lightsey, Dean, Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary; Rev. Michael Livingston, Executive Director, International Council of Community Churches; Rev. Dr. Deborah Mullen, Director, Center for African American Ministry and Black Church Studies, McCormick Theological Seminary; Dr. Sylvia Rhue, Interim Executive Director, National Black Justice Coalition; and Rev. Dr. William Stayton, Professor of Sexuality and Religion, Morehouse School of Medicine***
Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, the church of the Convenience, it doesn’t matter does it?
There are a handful of our Protestant brethren that are holding the line, but for me the question is not whether their grasp on morality will give way, but when.