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People's Daily message board China power: posted: 10/10/2003 02:12 PM - Just in the last twelfth months, China has launched one of the world's most advanced Destroyer, started production on advanced Stealth fighter FC/1, now sending an astronaut into space. It's about time, China have more scientists and engineers than any nation in the world. As they say, if there are only 200 million Chinese in the world, it will be a force to be reckoned with, but can you imagine 1.27 billion Chinese!? Now it is the time to challenge the world!! China has awaken!, now it is our turn!!

Japs, beware!! Now is the time to pour money to build the world's most advanced navy and airforce, and yes of course, build space power to shoot down all of those GPS satelites. And yes, put only the smartest Chinese men and boys to man those technologically sophisticated weaponry, Chinese military's personnel quality is at all time high. [End]

Manned space flight worth the risks By Jake Garn *** HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT is not a luxury. Nor is it a whim, passing fad or eccentric hobby. Make no mistake, human space flight is critical to the future well-being of the United States and, ultimately, the world. The continuation of human space flight is a necessity.

For those who accept that premise, it is vital that we get the space shuttle flying again as safely and as quickly as possible. Our very future may depend on it.

To not understand or acknowledge that Earth is but a stepping stone for humankind is to ignore history, reality and Manifest Destiny. Through age, natural catastrophe or by our own hand, life on Earth has a finite amount of time left. For the human species to go on, we must go out into the far and promising reaches of space. We will do this, or we will eventually perish on the stepping stone adjacent to endless possibilities and salvation.

....Human space flight is not a luxury, and the People's Republic of China, above all others, seems to recognize that. The PRC is poised to launch its first astronauts, and with them launch potentially the most ambitious plan ever for humans in space.

They have their eyes on the moon, Mars and beyond. The question for our country is: Do we cede the future of human space flight, and the future in general, to them or another nation?***

Derbyshire: Hitting the Great Wall of China***QingLian had a copy of my article and said it was disgraceful for me to use the phrase "Chinese Imperialism." China had been a victim of imperialism! How could China even think of practicing imperialism? Disgraceful! I made some obvious responses with, of course, no effect at all.

We had, in fact, hit the wall. You always do hit the wall with the Chinese when the National Question comes up. It makes no difference if you are talking with Communists or Nationalists, old or young, government flacks or dissidents. I found QingLian formidably articulate. She defended her opinions with the force of a strong intellect.

This experience is very familiar to me. You are sitting there kicking ideas around with some friendly, witty, well-educated, and worldly people. Then the National Question comes up, and suddenly the façade of reason and sophistication drops away and you are confronted by something cold, hostile, and atavistic-the reptilian brain stem. The attachment of the Chinese to every inch of the territory of the old Manchu empire is rooted so deep, it cannot be touched by reason or argument.

The same applies to the resentment the Chinese feel for the humiliations inflicted upon them in the nineteenth century by Japan and the European powers. To an outsider, this seems a little unfair. By far the larger part of the Chinese people's sufferings these past 200 years has been visited on them by their own countrymen. The greatest calamity to afflict China in the nineteenth century was not the depredations of foreign imperialism, but the Taiping Rebellion, an entirely Chinese phenomenon.

Similarly, if there is a prize awarded in hell for murdering Chinese people, the easy winner for the twentieth century division is Mao. All this is forgotten in the fixation on foreign wickedness. A well-adjusted Chinese citizen is expected to have "moved on" from the horrors of Maoism (1949-76) but to be fuming with great indignation at the Opium Wars (1839-42).***

Derbyshire: SORRY STATE (Communist, Nationalist, and Dangerous)***OBSTACLES TO EMPIRE - The grand project of restoring and Sinifying the Manchu dominions has unfortunately met three stumbling blocks. The first was Outer Mongolia, from which the Chinese garrison was expelled following the collapse of Manchu rule. The country declared independence in 1921 under Soviet auspices, and that independence was recognized by Chiang Kai-shek's government in 1945, in return for Soviet recognition of themselves as the "the Central Government of China." Mao seems not to have been very happy about this. In 1954, he asked the Soviets to "return" Outer Mongolia. I do not know the position of China's current government towards Outer Mongolia, but I should not be surprised to learn that somewhere in the filling cabinets of China's defense ministry is a detailed plan for restoring Outer Mongolia to the warm embrace of the Motherland, as soon as a suitable opportunity presents itself.

The second is Taiwan. No Chinese Imperial dynasty paid the least attention to Taiwan, or bothered to claim it. The Manchus did, though, in 1683, and ruled it in a desultory way, as a prefecture of Fujian Province, until 1887, when it was upgraded to a province in its own right. Eight years later it was ceded to Japan, whose property it remained until 1945. In its entire history, it has been ruled by Chinese people seated in China's capital for less than four years. China's current attitudes to Taiwan are, I think, pretty well known.

And the third stumbling block to the restoration of China's greatness is…….the United States. To the modern Chinese way of thinking, China's proper sphere of influence encompasses all of East Asia and the western Pacific. This does not mean that they necessarily want to invade and subjugate all the nations of that region, though they certainly do want to do just that to Taiwan and some groups of smaller islands. For Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Micronesia, etc., the old imperial-suzerainty model would do well enough, at least in the short term. These places could conduct their own internal affairs, so long as they acknowledged the overlordship of Beijing, and, above all, did not enter into alliances, nor even close friendships, with other powers.

Which, of course, too many of them have done, the competitor power in every case being the U.S. It is impossible to overstate how angry it makes the Chinese to think about all those American troops in Japan, Korea, and Guam, together with the U.S. Seventh Fleet steaming up and down in "Chinese" waters, and electronic reconnaissance planes like the EP-3 brought down on April 1 operating within listening distance of the mainland. If you tackle Chinese people on this, they usually say:

"How would you feel if there were Chinese troops in Mexico and Jamaica, and Chinese planes flying up and down your coasts?" Leaving aside the fact that front companies for the Beijing regime now control both ends of the Panama Canal, as well as Freeport in the Bahamas, the answer is that the United States is a democracy of free people, whose government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed, so that the wider America's influence spreads, the better for humanity: while China is a corrupt, brutish, and lawless despotism, the close containment of which is a pressing interest for the whole human race. One cannot, of course, expect Chinese people to be very receptive to this answer.

Or, indeed, to anything much we have to say on the subject of their increasing militant and assertive nationalism. We simply have no leverage here. It is no use trying to pretend that this is the face-saving ideology of a small leadership group, forced on an unwilling populace at gunpoint. The Chinese people respond eagerly to these ultra-nationalist appeals: That is precisely why the leadership makes them. Resentment of the U.S., and a determination to enforce Chinese hegemony in Asia, are well-nigh universal among modern mainland Chinese. These emotions trump any desire for constitutional government, however much people dislike the current regime for its corruption and incompetence. Find a mainlander, preferably one under the age of thirty, and ask him which of the following he would prefer: for the Communists to stay in power indefinitely, unreformed, but in full control of the "three T's" (Tibet, Turkestan, Taiwan); or a democratic, constitutional government without the three T's. His answer will depress you. You can even try this unhappy little experiment with dissidents: same answer.

Is there anything we can do about all this? One thing only. We must understand clearly that there will be lasting peace in East Asia when, and only when, China abandons her atavistic fantasies of imperial hegemony, withdraws her armies from the 2 million square miles of other people's territory they currently occupy, and gets herself a democratic government under a rule of law. Until that day comes, if it ever does, the danger of war will be a constant in relations between China and the world beyond the Wall, as recent events in the South China Sea have illustrated. Free nations, under the indispensable leadership of the United States, must in the meantime struggle to maintain peace, using the one, single, and only method that wretched humanity, in all its millennia of experience, has so far been able to devise for that purpose: Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum. ***


To read Derbyshire's complete articles, go to the LINKS.

1 posted on 10/11/2003 2:57:37 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
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2 posted on 10/11/2003 2:59:17 AM PDT by Support Free Republic (Your support keeps Free Republic going strong!)
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To: All
China details space plans
3 posted on 10/11/2003 3:01:48 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum. ***"

Translation: "Therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war"

That sums it up for me.

10 posted on 10/11/2003 3:59:41 AM PDT by G.Mason (Lessons of life need not be fatal)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
Don't worry, the Chinese won't be very good at flying because of their eyes. (1930's style thinking)
14 posted on 10/11/2003 4:55:01 AM PDT by ItisaReligionofPeace ((the original))
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
We must understand clearly that there will be lasting peace in East Asia when, and only when, China abandons her atavistic fantasies of imperial hegemony, withdraws her armies from the 2 million square miles of other people's territory they currently occupy, and gets herself a democratic government under a rule of law.

Funny... this is the same stance we took with Japan in the mid/late 1930's. Same game just a different player.

28 posted on 10/11/2003 6:09:02 AM PDT by johnny7 (“Cowards and pissants!” -- Cordell Hull... Dec. 7th 1941)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
Good posts.

I'm convinced that certainly military and other matters are high on the list . . . but



They are determined to make this the

CHINESE CENTURY and to their minds and fantasies


They see the USA as going down to it's death or functional death and irrelevancy. They see themselves as king of the hill globally. They see it as their right and their obligation--at least to their people and culture . . . but . . . full of pride . . . also, their duty to 'liberate' the globe with the BETTER IMPERIAL BETTER LIFE OF THE CHINESE CULTURE etc. etc. etc. and etc.
32 posted on 10/11/2003 10:49:28 AM PDT by Quix (DEFEAT her unroyal lowness, her hideous heinous Bwitch Shrillery Antoinette de Fosterizer de MarxNOW)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
"Now China is sending a man into space. Why?"

In search of more Wal'mart's?
34 posted on 10/11/2003 12:48:09 PM PDT by F.J. Mitchell (I plead to the mercy of the Admin Moderators.)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
And the USA's Thirty Year Lead in manned space travel starts to be attacked by others.

When the Chinese get to the moon, rest assured they WILL claim it.

And the scenario will bowl us over; a crew will stay on the moon using their vehicle or part of it as a moonbase, until they are relieved or added to by more ships.

Bringing them back will not be a priority; establishing a permanent lunar presence will be.

Maybe the Chinese will restore the spirit of exploration they lost in the 15th and 16th centuries. The West, which undertook the great expeditions of Columbus and Vasco DaGama, which opened up the world, seems to have lost that spirit when it comes to space.

Ah, so, 4 Americans for dinner at the Golden Lunar Palace? This way, please.

36 posted on 10/11/2003 1:24:42 PM PDT by swarthyguy
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To: Cincinatus' Wife; narses
38 posted on 10/11/2003 2:47:36 PM PDT by Dajjal
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
If an American is asking why, then wait 5 seconds and the American will go away.
40 posted on 10/11/2003 6:15:58 PM PDT by RightWhale (Repeal the Law of the Excluded Middle)
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To: Normal4me; RightWhale; demlosers; Prof Engineer; BlazingArizona; ThreePuttinDude; Brett66; ...
This person is an idiot who thinks that we should not send humans into space.

Space Ping! This is the space ping list! Let me know if you want on or off this list!
52 posted on 10/12/2003 5:08:15 PM PDT by KevinDavis (Let the meek inherit the Earth, the rest of us will explore the stars!)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
If China successfully launches a taikonaut into orbit, it is likely to "win" in all the ways the United States did during the Apollo series. If the launching is not a success, China will suffer and mourn just as the United States did after the loss of the Challenger and the Columbia, and then it will rethink whether to continue with the program.

False. China has never worried about casualties. If they lose an astronaut or two, they'll declare them heroes, name a school after them, and send up some more just as soon as they can.

Only the U.S. government loses it's nerve completely after every 7 accidental deaths.

55 posted on 10/12/2003 8:42:39 PM PDT by irv
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To: Cincinatus' Wife

While there are military benefits to the Chinese efforts in space; I would like to suggest that military interests are only a minor motivation for this expansion.

Given China's population problem: There is an awful lot of unclaimed real estate once you get off this planet.

Another thing to consider may be that the Chinese may have paid more attention to the fact that life on this planet is continually under the threat of solar objects, plagues and man made threats.

Give it some thought. When you are ready to get off this planet... drop me a note. I'll tell you how.

After all, if the Chinese can ride to space on an American Vehicle for less cash and less risk... why would they need to build their own ??


56 posted on 10/12/2003 8:56:31 PM PDT by CorpRatt (Get a job, get a life ... get over it already...)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
The Chinese have an unfair advantage. They can three men in a beer can.
83 posted on 10/14/2003 3:54:39 PM PDT by TonyM
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